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Cast from the greatest of place the them all 

Garden of Eden 

Here is my story 

Removed from the bible 

Forgotten for centuries 

According to the men 

I am a demon from hell 

But let me tell you 

God made me to a copy of Adam 

"A helper " said God 

I wanted to be his compannian and his rock 

Not only his helper 

I wanted to be equal 

But, God and Adam did not want that 

as God had created Adam in his image 

So, I left the garden 

and began to create my own place a earth 

As Adam and his"little" Eve began to create many more mililion 

I formed a bond of sisters 

A sisterhood 

You see, 

This is why god fearing munks, priests and bishops were so afraid of me

I was the first women to reject God and man 

I was the first woman who formed a sisterhood 

Women standing women 

Against those who could take our power.

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