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It was obvious you were meant for me 

Every piece of you, it just fits perfectly 

The stars were aligned with the moon 

Two pieces of a jarred broken puzzle 

Hold me tight in the of Forrests of neverland 

On the run from captain hook 

In my every second, in my every thought 

I am in so hard and deep 

But I will never show it on ever smiling face 

But I knew this 

We got a love that was Holly 

Every time I see you

I try to fly the way as you taught 

But I need fairy dust 

Every time I fail I die a little more 

We used to fly together 

Over the houses, buildings cities and Forrest 

People with open mouth looking at us with wonder in their eyes 

On the way to the lost place of Neverland 

For me to fly I need you by my side 

but you are not 

Encased behind glass 

In the museum of all things lost 

I see you in a photograph 

screaming and running for the hills 

Captajan is behind as a shadow 

As I walk those  in emtpy halls. 

And I know with a heavy heart that 

the tale of Tinkerbell and Peter Pan 

Will forever remain locked 

 in the shadows in the

 lost place of Neverland- 

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