I call upon the greater good.

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I Call upon the moirai

Clotho, Lachesis & Atropos

the greek goddes of fate

Daughters of the night

Ruler of fates

Sift and flow the sands of time

to rework the grand design

Diverge our path

From one another

now two

not one

Undoing that, in which was done

Turn back time 

As it was 

Take what was

Make it no more

Like the sand swept away

Back to the shore

Forever no more 

I call upon the muses

Cleo, Caliope, Urania, Erato, Thalia, Euterpe, Polyhymnia, Melpomene

To gather now in this sacred place

Stand strong beside me

as I say goodbye

To her 

 our future 

In this  time,

 In the  hour 

this darkest hour. 

 I call upon the Warren Line

Witches,  matriachs, sisters, daughters, 

From across the time 

 women of war 

 fighters of the greatest loss 

To stand beside me 

and comfort me 

Hear me now

Hear my prayer

In this night and this hour

I call upon the sacred powers

That will  protect her from now

And in future hours 

Dont let her remember  anything 

Fairytale poetry.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora