Once Upon a December

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Many many years ago 

In December the whole 

world came crashing down 

The people stormed the castle 

Angry at us for being us 

At the night of our party 

I was there I remember 

The smell of peppermint in the air 

I lost my music box 

when we fled the 

With the help of a little servant boy 

Trough the servants qauters 

Up the hill, down the meadow 

trough alleyes and circles of the moonlight city 

 On a  cold december night 

The train was filled to the brim 

We ran and we ran 

To catch up

But I lost my feet and 

fell down in the cold snow  

Now many years older

I search for her 

Lost many years ago. 


I am on a mission 

To learn about who I was

Dancing bears 

Painted wings of butterflies 

Horses of a whispers 

telling me something that I should remember 

The streets lights light up with the moon 

The towers are glistening in the cold winternight 

I am lost and transported to another time 

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