"Are you... Okay...?" Angst

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Dream groaned as the sunlight streamed through the windows and hit his semi-closed eye sockets. "To early..." He murmured, sleepily, while lifting the blankets for ver his body. Come to think of it, why was he asleep in his office? And why were there blankets under his desk? And why was he naked!?

Dream sat up immediately, holding the blankets over his chest. That was when he noticed his echo was still formed. Sighing softly, he quickly dismissed it and searched for his clothes. His entire body was sore, and he appeared to be covered in a white sticky substance. 'Blue...' He thought, angryly as the events of the night before flooded into his mind. He groaned. His entire body was ridgid and painfilled. He hated it, almost as much as he loved the night before.

The guardian sighed as he finally managed to place his last article of clothing on and leave his office towards his room. He need a bath, and maybe a blueberry muffin. "You were loud last night." A monochrome voice said, causing him to turn. "Ink!" He exclaimed. "I'm surprised you're walking." The smaller commented, noticing the slight limp in their bosses step. Dream groaned. "Don't you have a secret 'Lover' to get back to?" He asked angryly. Ink smiled, it was both a weird and rare sight to see. "He's... Busy..." They said, with the most emotion Dream had ever heard from his right hand.

"I'm glad you're happy." He said sincerely. Ink frowned. "Was that... Sarcasm?" They asked. Though they were good at using it, they wasn't the best at recognising it when it came from others. "I was being genuine." Dream said. "Oh... Are you sure?" The artist asked, "Yes, I'm sure. This is the happiest I've ever seen you, and I think that's a good thing." He said. Ink nodded. They didn't understand, but they still nodded. "Oh, and Ink." Dream said at the end of the hallway. "Could you please get me a blueberry muffin and a cup coffee for when I get back to work?" He asked politely. Ink nodded and hurried of.

Dream smiled to himself as he walked the rest of the way to his room. He opened the door and looked around. Though he didn't exactly live here, Dreams lover had made it apparent that he was apart of the guardians life. He sighed angryly, his room had been filled with unnecessarily large gifts, all with the same blue wrapping, pliled in different spots in his room. He distantly remembered his partner telling him that there would be one gift for every week he didn't take care of himself. Furthermore, there were small sticky notes of different colours that were stuck to any surface his husband could stick them to.

-Reminder: Sleep in your bed at least once a week.

-Reminder: Eat three meals a day, or in the very least eat two.

-Reminder: Drink something other than coffee.

-Reminder: Take a break whenever you need it.

-Reminder: Your beautiful!~

The last one made him blush.

Dream glanced around his room, Blue wanted him to take care of himself, to eat at least once a day, to sleep for eight hours each night. It really wasn't much to ask!
He sighed as he blinked away the tears of frustration. "Then way do I have such a hard time doing it?" He asked himself angryly.

He sat down on one of the sofa/chairs he had in his room and growled at himself. "I'm an idiot..." He muttered. "God, no wonder Blue never sticks around." He said. He'd often notice how his lover would often disappear just after sex, and would sometimes leave for days, or months on end. The sad part was, Dream wouldn't notice this, he'd always be to busy doing something else to even know about his husband's absence.

For all he knew Blue could be cheating on him; not that he blames him, he's done nothing but ignore him. And Blue had been disappearing for longer and longer, he didn't even tell Dream when he was leaving anymore.

'Maybe this is for the best...' He thought to himself. 'Blue would definitely be a lot happier...' Dream realised that he was crying and quickly wipped the tears away. He sighed deeply before standing and making his way towards his closet.

Upon entering, the guardian noticed pile of smaller gifts, and some new 'outfits' hanging up, alongside some actual clothing of course.
All of Dreams non-work related outfits were all gifts from Blue. He smiled to himself as he picked out a more comfortable and definitely more clean outfit for the day, before leaving the closet and entering the bathroom.

Dream groaned before switching on the light and started running the bath, warm, not scolding but no where near cold. Just the way he liked it. As the tub fill with water, Dream striped himself of his dirty clothes and threw them in the hamper to be washed later. Dream sighed heavily as he sunk into the soapy water, he felt as though years of stress was being washed away. Now all he needed was a glass of champagne.

"Thought I'd find you here...~" Dream jumped, and water spilt over his pretty tiled floor. "B-Blue!?" He exclaimed nervously as he noticed the other staring at him hungrily. "How do you get in here?" He asked, discreetly shifting the bubbles to hide his pelvis. "I have my ways~" Blue responded with a smirk. Dream rolled his eyelights. "You're an idiot..." He muttered, as he rubbed his temples. His husband chuckled nervously before handing him something. "What's this?" Dream asked, "Another one of your gifts?" He said, somewhat annoyed. Blue suddenly looked guilty.

"What did you do." Dream asked, with an exasperated sigh. His partner sighed and mumbled something. "What was that?" The guardian asked. "I forgot the condom..." Blue muttered fearfully. Dream stared at him. "You... You what!?" He shouted. "I'm sorry! I was trying to get you to sleep, and..." Blue frowned at his stupid excuse, before glaring at his feet. Dreams expression softened. "I'm sorry for shouting..." He muttered. Blue stared at him. "And I'm sorry for maybe, probably getting you pregnant..." He responded.

Dream groaned as he forced himself out of the bath and quickly covered himself up with a towel. "Let me guess..." He said holding up the box. "This is a pregnancy test?" He asked. Blue nodded. "Okay. You leave... And I'll... I'll take the test..." He muttered, his partner nodded again before quietly leaving the bathroom.

The guardian dried on and quickly changed before he took the test. He shook it in his hand as through it would speed up the process, glancing at it every now and then just to make sure. After a long five minutes, the test was finally finished.

He stared at the single line for what felt like an hour. He had expected to feel relief... He wasn't pregnant... This was a good thing, right?
Then why did he suddenly feel so hopeless? Like waves of despair were washing over him?

Blue, (who had been waiting patiently on the other side of the door) quickly entered when he heard Dreams cries. "Angel?" He said softly as he started rubbing circles on his back. "What's wrong...? Are you... Okay...?" He asked. Dream didn't answer, instead he tightly clutched his husband's oversized hoodie and sobbed louder. "Shhh... It's alright... You're okay..." Blue muttered as he gently rocked his partner. It wasn't long before Dream calmed down enough to show his husband the negative pregnancy test.

Blue stared at the test in dismay. He had been secretly hoping that it would be positive. That maybe he would get to be a dad. That maybe his husband would spend less time at work and more time with him, picking out names and clothes. That maybe there would be the sound of a baby giggling and squealing in no less than nine months...

But then again, maybe wasn't good enough. Blue sighed as tears formed in the corner of his eyes. And no matter how hard he blinked, he couldn't stop them from flowing down his face as he held his lover closer to his chest. "I'm sorry..."

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