Extremely late Giftmas. (Fluff)

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This takes place in the future.

Dream smiled at the scene before him, watching his daughter stare at her gifts in an attempt to see through each of them.
"You know you're not gonna see it till tomorrow right Hope?" He said watching as she immediately lent back not expecting to be called out.
"But papa! I can't wait a whole day for it!" She complained.
"You don't have to wait a day, just a night." Blue chimed in handing Dream a hot chocolate.

Hope pouted. "I can't wait that long!" She complained.
"You waited last year." Blue said causing their daughter to grumble angrily. "I was littler last year!" She yelled.

"You were seven."

"Which is littler!"

"Yes, but Giftmas is about being good, you don't get gifts if you don't behave." Blue argued.
Hope visibly deflated at her dad's flawless logic. "Okay, but can I at least stay up and see Santa!" She asked with a grin as wide as her wingspan.
Dream pretended to think for a moment watching as her bright blue eyes stared up at him excitedly.
"Unfortunately no." He said.
"Awww! Why not!?" She asked.
"Because Santa won't come if you're awake." He answered causing his beloved daughter to pout.

Blue chuckled before handing their daughter a cup of cocoa. "I'll tell you what, how about you and Moku go and gather a few blankets and pillows so you guys can build a little fort in the living room, okay?"
Hopes bright eyes grew wide as well as her smile.
"Really! Really! Really!?" She yelled hoping up and down as she did nearly spilling her drink.
Blue laughed at her enthusiasm.
"Sure! You go find Moku and grab some blankets!"

Hope cheered before racing down the hallway and towards Mokus room, leaving her parents in the dust. Dream shook his head fondly.
"You spoil her" he told his husband.
"You make it sound like I'm the only one.~" Blue teased.
"I'm just saying, if we end up sleeping on the floor again like last year I'm not gonna be happy." He said much to fondly

Blue smiled, "Or what you'll punish me?~" He asked his lover.
Said lover gaged and whacked him with a book.
"Dumbass" He hissed.
"I love you too~" Blue said placing a kiss atop his head.
Dream rolled his eyes playfully as his daughter and her best friend burst though the hallway, each with an armful of blankets.

"Can we build it here Mr.Dream?" Moku asked.
"Of course" He answered.
Moku smiled widely before dropping the blankets and getting to work, Hope quickly following suite.

"Blue, what did you do." Grumbled a very tired and very angry Ink as they entered the living room.
Blue snickered to himself as he watched the artist lie down on the couch.
"From the looks of it, Moku was going to sleep and you were hung over as frick, only for my sweet angel to come and recruit him for pillow fort building." He guessed.

Ink glared at him.
"I am not hung over..." Was the only thing they had to say.
"Sure your not." Dream said, "Would you like some hot chocolate?" He said holding up a mug.

"I don't want that sweet shit..." They hissed.
"Language mama!" Their son scolded them.
Ink rolled their eyelights but otherwise complied to their sons wishes. "Hand me some coffee at least." They demanded making their friends laugh.
"Alright your majesty." Blue said, heading to the kitchen to make his friend some coffee.

"You want milk or sugar?" He asked before receiving a soft shake of the head as an answer. Blue smiled. "Figured" he said handing Ink their coffee. "Thanks..." They muttered as they took a sip of their bitter drink.

After ensuring Ink was happy with their drink (or as happy as a semi hung over parent can be) Blue made his way over to the corner of the living room to see if the children required assistance making their fort. "You two need need a hand?" He asked causing Hope to pause what she was doing. "We need something to hold it up." She said, "Can you get us some chairs?"
Blue saluted before heading back to the kitchen to collect the four bar stools for the fort.

Hi! So I know I promised this like ten fucking months ago and I know it's not even completed (sorry) but I have been really busy with my new job as well as attempting to get my hours up for my licence so I unfortunately haven't been able to write/update a lot of my stories and I deeply apologize for .along you guys wait so long.

Please accept this poorly written and semi unfinished story as well as this indirect quote I made as compensation.

Again, sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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