Chapter 8

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I woke up late the next morning, and just looked at all the photos before decided to get up.
I felt a little better but still hurt, but there was nothing that I was able to do about it, he might never remember me or maybe one day everything will go back to normal but for now I just have to get on with it and look after my baby.
Speaking of she's not in her bed meaning someone in the house has already fed her this morning.
After getting dressed and putting most of the photos back in the box leaving a few out that I wanted to put on my wall, I walked down stairs to see Katie holding Ashley while making food for everyone, the boys were in the living room watching tv.
"Good morning y/n, care to take your baby?" Katie said while laughing at Ashley in her cute pink outfit.
I took Ashley and sat down on the counter,
"Kate? Do you think me and Dom will ever be the same again, I mean he seems to remember the boys but not me" I asked looking at her
"You will both be fine y/n, he doesn't fully Remember any of us yet, he only remembers the boys cuz he grew up with them"
"But what if he doesn't remember me, or if he does and doesn't want to be a part of mine and Ashley's lives anymore?"
Y/n, I'm not meant to tell you this because Dom said not to tell you, but when you came home yesterday he started asking questions, we tried to explain everything to him but he didn't believe that he could have ever been w h you at all, he said because you are 'the prettiest girl he has ever seen', those are his words, so don't worry you will be fine" she said and then continued to cook, I smiled thinking about what he said and if it was true.

I decided to go and sit with the boys for a bit while I waited for food, they had now started to play on the Xbox, Adam and Tom were playing COD while Dom watched.

Dom noticed that I sat down next to him because there was no other seat, he looked at me then Ashley and smiled before turning back to the tv, that small smile already made me feel better. Maybe it will be ok.

Katie then called Adam to come and help bring the food out for everyone while Dom offered to put Ashley in her cot in the living room, he gently lifted her out of my arms and held her close to him before putting her down, it looked as if he never forgot Ashley, which should have been impossible because he only met her a few days ago, he had instantly bonded with her, it was beautiful.

After food we all put a film on while I put ashley to sleep. When I came back down stairs we were watching a horror film and the only space left was next to Dom, we awkwardly sat next to each other and watched the film.

Half way in to the film I started to get cold, Dom noticed this and put the blanket over me,
"Um we can cuddle if you want, I mean we don't have to but-" "I'd love to Dom"
He pulled me into his side and I ended up falling asleep.

I woke up the next morning still on the sofa cuddled into Dom, this all felt like a teenage romance film, slowly falling in love all over again, I just wanted to relax until I heard Ashley crying "ugh why did I have a kid" I laughed while going to see what was wrong with her.

Once I sorted ash out I noticed someone standing by my door, I turned to see it was Dom. "Hi Dom, how are you today?" I asked "um yea I'm good, I was just wondering if you would um like to take ash on a walk with me, or if I could take her if you didn't want to?"
"Um yea I'd love to go on a walk I'll get ash ready now"

We ended up walking to the park and sitting on the swings, talking about life before the war, he didn't remember it all but he remembered playing in big stadium for massive crowds, I reminded him how much he helped everyone who loves him and that's why they love him.
We bonded a lot on this walk, he started to remember a few things, like the night we met, but he still didn't remember us together but I'm ok with that at the moment, at least he's getting better.

On the walk home he gently put his hand on top of mine, things were getting better

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