Chapter 2

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One year later,

"There's hope for the underrated youth, and I'm so far from telling you the truth, you keep in pulling me down, pulling me down, pulling me down, yea there's hope for th.." "WILL YOU STOP SINGING THAT STUPID SONG" Zach, my now boyfriend screamed up the stairs.

I would always sing his songs to baby Ashley because I wanted her to grow up knowing that he always fought for the right thing and I wanted her to be the same.

She looked so much like his, she had a emerald green eyes, his dark brown hair, his pink plump lips, his everything.

I no longer say his name because it brings me too much pain to think about him and every time I do I end up crying, but I can't cry, not around Zach.

He hated that I would cry about him and some times he would do unspeakable things to me, which in the end would make me cry more.

I wanted to get away from Zach so much, but I couldn't, he would threaten me and with Ashley, and I couldn't let him hurt her.

He was the only person who I could talk to because everyone who I once was friends with went back home, at first Katie, Tom, Adam and mikey would message and ft me but we were all going through too much to keep in contact.

Katie and Adam were still together, Tom had found a new girlfriend called lilly and mikey was dating a girl called Ella, I think that they were all still talking with eachother but I pushed them all away after two months.

Today was exactly a year after the elders agreed to stop everything they were doing because they had gotten the one they wanted, as they called him, but they never told us what happened to him, only that we would never see him again so we all believe that he is gone, his family didn't take it well and they blocked them selves away from us all after they got the news, they also shipped me a few of his hoddies and his favourite guitar, which I placed on the wall of my living room, I of course never told Zach that it was his, he already ripped one of his hoddies because he wanted me to forget about him, but how could I forget about the love of my life.

I was currently sitting on my bed with Ashley with a box of pictures from me, Katie and the rest of the gang. "Y/N IM GOING OUT WITH THE BOYS" and with that Zach slammed the door. I knew that I wouldn't see him untill tomorrow morning and I was very happy that I wouldn't have to deal with him for the rest of the night.

As I was looking through the pictures and showing Ashley I picked up one from a party we had once, it was me and Dom together, he was wearing a cute black skirt and a cute t-shirt, his black and pink hair was a mess as always but that's how I loved it, in the pictures he was kissing me cheek, we both looked so happy.

I hadn't noticed that I was crying until a tear hit the picture. After staring at it for 5 minutes I decided I wanted to keep it with me all the time, just as I was about to put it in my phone case Zach walked into the room.

"Hey, I lost my wallet can you give- WHAT THE HELL IS ALL THIS" he shouted while looking at all the pictures on the bed, "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU I DONT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH THAT BOY IN THE HOUSE" he carried on while pushing all the photos off the bed, "I-I'm sorry, I just.." "NO SHUT UP, I WANT ALL OF THIS GONE BY THE TIME I GET BACK HERE IN THE MORNING OTHERWISE YOU WILL REGRET KEEPING IT" he kept on screaming, "p-please Zach, yo-your gonna wake a-Ashley up" "NO I DONT CARE ABOUT THAT STUPID KID ITS HIS KID, THATS THE ONLY REASON YOU KEPT IT, YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST GOT RID OF IT, SHES UGLY, IM MEAN LOOK AT HER EYES LIKE EW AND HER HAIR, UGH I CANT STAY HERE GIVE ME MONEY AND STAY OUT OF MY WAY" he shouted extending his had "my-y money is d-downstairs" I replied while walking over to Ashley, she was now crying from all the shouting, I cradled her close to my body trying to keep her quite, as I turned around to see if Zach had left, he was there with the picture of me and Dom that I was going to put in my phone case, he ripped it in half and threw it at the floor and left, as soon as he left I fell the floor with Ashley in my arms picking up the photo and cried, I didn't know what to do anymore, I was in so much pain.

I needed to get away from this place, as much as it pained me to leave the last place that I had seen Dom, I couldn't stay here with Zach, he was making it worse, he made it so hard sometimes that I wanted to end it all, but I couldn't, I couldn't leave Ashley with him, he was horrible.

After sitting on the floor with Ashley for an hour I had a thought, I wasn't sure if this would work or is she would agree but I needed to try.

I quickly picked up my phone and started to text the one person who I hadn't spoken to in months

Y/n: hey Katie, I know I haven't spoken to you in a while but I really need your help, please text me back soon.

After one hour I got a reply

Katie: omg y/n what's wrong, I haven't spoken to you in forever, are you okay?

Y/n: yea well um I was wondering if me and Ashley could come and stag with you and Adam for a while, I really need some time away from Zach?

Katie: omg yes of course, I'll send you the address, let me know when you leave and I'll get everything ready for you.

Y/n: thank you so much Kate, this means so much, I can't wait to see you again.

Katie: same here, see you soon.

After the conversation with Katie I started to pack all of mine and Ashley's things into my car making sure not to leave anything, I wasemt planning on staying here anymore, he wasn't just hurting me but he was starting to hurt Ashley and I couldn't let that happen,

Before I left I wrote a note for Zach


I can't do this anymore, I am hurting to much to stay here and I guess that you made it worse so I'm just going to say it, I hate you, I can't believe that you would say those things about Dom or Ashley, Dom is the love of my life and he fought for what was right, and Ashley is my beautiful baby girl, I hope I never see you agian,


And with that I put Ashley in her car seat and started the drive to Katie's house.


Ok so like this is well over due also this took me like 3 hours to write because I decided to take a nap and make mini pancakes but I hope you enjoyed it

The lonely and the broken Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora