Chapter 9

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As soon as me and Dom got back to the house, I put Ashley to bed and instantly ran to Katie, I needed to tell her what happened.

"So basically I think he is starting to remember me" I told her, "that's a good thing, maybe you should go on a date with him"
"maybe but it might still be a bit early for that, I'm happy that he has started to remember me"

After talking with Katie I decided to go to sleep, I said goodnight to all the boys down stairs, mainly looking for dom to give him a hug but he wasn't in the living room, I assumed he has already gone to sleep or is busy.

As I walk up the stairs I realise that Ashley had been very quiet tonight. She usually cries at least once, as soon as I walked in the room I saw dom laying next to Ashley's bed leaned up against it holding Ashley in his arms, they were both asleep. Seeing this made my heart melt, even tho he hardly knows her he is very connected to her, I instantly took a picture of them before trying to wake dom up.
I shook him lightly and and slowly lifted his head to look at me with his tired eyes, "come on, off the floor an into bed" I said while trying to take Ashley out of his arms, dom lightly pulled her back into him before pulling me down into him as well, we sat on the floor for a while before deciding to get into bed.
Dom put Ashley in bed and kissed her head before coming over to me and kissed my head as well before going to leave, I grabbed his hand before he could "please stay with me?" he looked at me to make sure that I wanted him to and I nodded, he then finally agreed. He walked around to the other side of the bed before climbing in and pulling me into his side, we both fell asleep cuddled into each other.

So it took me like 2 months to write this little bit cuz I had no ideas and college has been a lot of effort so I might take a small break before writing again but I promise this is not the end

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