Chapter 4

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I woke up to Ashley crying, as I looked at my phone I saw that it was 5am, so I might as well get up anyway.

I walked up to Ashley bed and picked her up, she then stopped crying "hey baby girl" I spoke while hugging her, she just giggled and tried pulling my hair as we walked down stairs.

As I walked into the kitchen every one was sitting around the table talking about the last sweep, "morning" I said making them all turn to me, Katie then stood up "why don't I take Ashley while you talk to the boys" sh said while taking a bottle of milk for her and taking her into the living room.

"Um ok, so what do u wanna talk about?" I asked, "well have you decided if you are coming today?" Adam asked, "um I'm not sure, I mean I've been pretty stressed lately", "and that's why you should go, take your mind off everything" "but what if something goes wrong?" "Y/n I promise you everything will be fine" "fine I'll go, but what time are we going?" "Well we are meeting the group at 1 and it's a 4 hour drive back to wales, which I know you just came back from there but you will be fine" "god I hate long drives, but okay let me go get ready first."

After that I walked upstairs to get ready even though we had like 4 hours before I actually needed to get ready, but I just needed something to keep my mind off of things.

After I was doing getting ready I heard my phone ring, it was a private number, I usually don't answer to private numbers but something inside me told me to answer so I did.

"Um hello?" I asked "hello?, y/n? It's me, it's..." and just like that the phone cut out, I fell to the floor, it sounded just like him, but it couldn't have been him, he's gone, they took him, he's gone and he's never coming back.

I started to cry, I new that it wasn't real, that It wasn't him, but who was it?, how did they know my name?, it was probably just one of Zach's mates playing tricks again, they did this to me when I first got with Zach, god that was such a big mistake.

I decided to not tell anyone about that phone call, if I did they would call me crazy, and I didn't need that right now.

I juts wanted this last sweep to be over and then I can move on from everything, as hard as it was I had to move on from him, he's gone now, and I will never find anyone like him again, but at least I have the memories.

Soon enough Adam called from downstairs telling me that it was time to leave, was I really on the floor for that long?, I got up and brushed myself off then walked downstairs, they all smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Right, lets get going" Adam said running out to the car, I said goodbye to Katie and kisses Ashley on the head before leaving the house.

As I got in the car, Adam turned the radio on, and California was playing, as soon as I heard it I started to cry but then Adam turned it off "I'm sorry y/n, I didn't realise they still play his music" "no it's okay Adam, it's just been a while since I listened to it" he nodded and started to drive to the meet up post.

Once we got there I walked up to bear and hugged him, he hugged back and we all talked and caught up on everything before starting the long drive back to wales.

All the way through the drive I kept thinking about that phone call, was it possible that it could have been him or was it all fake?


Hahah it's been a while and honestly I'm kinda glad that I wrote this today cuz otherwise I would have never wrote this and let u all disappointed.

But on a serious note I'm kinda emotionally unstable atm so like I'm sorry for the long waits for posting but yea love you guys hope you enjoy it

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