Before Story - See You

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       The wind sweeps the remnants of the leaves. The withered scene rustles in the air.

       In front of a glorious, old building, there are well-dressed guests with fatigues on their faces. It seems like an end of a banquet. They leave without a trace in a few minutes, with only sparkles of fire lights in the darkness.

       " Young Master, these are the presents that are received today." A servant stands in front of a child's room with his head lowered.

       " Just leave them there. I will tidy up by myself." A soft voice flows out from the room.

       " Yes." The servant solutes and leaves.

       The door opens slowly, and comes out a juvenile who is around ten years old. He is wearing a bright, red kimono, with slightly messy short hair. The big round eyes blink of tiredness. The thin lips are slightly closed, with innocence on his perfect face. Although he is still young, it's easily to imagine how handsome he will be in the future.

       The juvenile quickly moves all of the presents to his room. The room is filled with boxes suddenly. Among all of the presents, the small box that carved with real gold has stood out, but he seems to have no interest of it and just put it into the closet.

       " Mr. Takatsukasa." There are people talking outside again, but not to him this time.

       " Good evening, Mr. Konoe." A low voice responses.

       " I wonder if your son is happy about the golden present that I gave him in his birthday party." Asks Mr. Konoe.

       " He seems tired and already slept after playing the whole day." Mr. Takatsukasa pauses a second: " I can guess by just looking at the box, that it is worth of a fortune. I guess you want something from me?"

       " Ha! Mr. Takatsukasa is really smart, then I'll just go straight for it. Actually, my brother offended His Majesty few days ago, so I am asking you to intercede for him."

       " I see. Well, you have already sent a such precious gift, so I think I'll just help you." The voice of Mr. Takatsukasa still doesn't show any emotion.

       " Thank you very much." Mr. Konoe smiles.

       The two people outside the room have already left, but the juvenile inside still stands silently.

       Yes,... He knows that for a long time, that he is merely a tool for benefit exchange.

       As the first son in the Takatsukasa family, he is still nothing more than a chess under the game of authority.

       Nobody would care about his feelings, but only falsehood and coldness.

       Five years later, the ten-year-old child has turned into a fifteen-year-old teenager.

       The finely chiseled face, elegant but without losing manly, that will make all of the girls fall for him.

       In this day, he and his father get some spare time during the business, so they can travel around.

       " Masters." A plain-dressed man walks toward them: " I wonder if you two Masters are the first time to come here. I am local and I humbly request that..."

       " Lead the way." Mr. Takatsukasa interrupts.

       " Yes, yes." The man bows nervously, and then starts to introduce.

       The man seems nice song the way. He takes them to a lot of places. If ignoring the forever-serious face on Mr. Takatsukasa, they all have a wonderful time.

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