Part 2

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I love you guys.

Thanks for reading my crappy stories.

Please please leave a comment even if it's about what you don't like. I'll try to fix it.

If there is something that you would like to see in the story let me know 

and I'll try to work it in.

I really hope you enjoyed it just let me know either way.

Leaving comment does help motivate me to write more and kudos help as well.

Let's get into the story.

It's 5:00 PM the next day a Saturday.

Tsukishima is standing in front of the mirror

looking at himself it's the 4th outfit he has tried on.

Tsukishima yells

"DAMN IT!!!!!!!"

Tsukishima still in a loud voice says

 "This won't do either!

I have to look like the top!

I can't let the Shrimp think he's 

the top damn it!

Why is it that all I own is business suits

and the shit I wore in college?!?!

Fuck I don't know if I need to dress

casual or formal!"

Yamaguchi knocks on Tsukishima's door

then says

"Are you okay Tsuki?

Can I come in?"

Tsukishima sighs then says

"Yeah come on in Yams."

Yamaguchi enters the room

seeing the other outfit that

Tsukishima had tried on

laying on the bed.

Yamaguchi nervously chuckles 

then says

"Um Tsuki are you having trouble

deciding what to wear?

Or is you room always like this?"

Tsukishima rolled his eyes

then says

"Really Yams.

You have been in here many times."

Yamaguchi says

"Yeah well we could hear you so yes 

we know you are stressing out.

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