Part 14

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I love you guys!!!!!

Lots of smut at the end😏

Let's get in to the story!!!

Later that night Kei got the twins bath, their bedtime story read and 

them rocker asleep.

This is Kei favorite time of the day it's Mommy and them time without

all the chaos.

Even his overactive child calms down at bath time, story time and 

snuggles into his Mommy's arm while rocking.

Kei smiles as he looks at his babies sleeping then whispers

"We go pick up your Daddy tomorrow."

Kei goes and showers then smiles to himself thinking

"I need to get things ready to welcome my naughty husband home."

Kei smirked as he rummaged through their quite large toy box.

Kei is going to have to punish his husband for his actions.

When Kei was done with his preparations he smiles then smirks

as he climbs into bed quickly falling asleep.

Kei slept better than he had since Shoyo left.

The next morning Kei woke early feeling more rested than he has

in a long time.

He put on his glasses then took his phone off the charger and text

his Mom that he was up so they could come up anytime.

Kei got dressed quickly then went to the kitchen turning on the

coffee pot that had been prepared the night before.

Just as the coffee was finished and he was pouring him a cup he

heard the buzz from the freight elevator letting him know to let

the 2 Mothers up to make breakfast.

The 3 sat and talked while having a cup of coffee before the 2 ladies

started breakfast and Kei got the twins up.

Kei told them that Shoyo was on his way home and when they need

to pick him up.

Miu was furious with her son she couldn't believe what he had done

to Kei she hadn't raised Shoyo to be that way.

As they get to the airport the drive sets up the twins' stroller as Kei

get's the twins out of their car seats handing them to Miu and Honoka.

Once the drive makes sure that they have everything such as diaper 

bags and the ladies had their handbags he leaves to park the limo

and wait for a call.

Kei wanted to get there early to make sure that Shoyo didn't get off

the plane with no one there to greet him.

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