Part 7

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I love you guys.

Thanks for reading my crappy story.

Let's get into the story.

The day after the reunion Kei, Shoyo and their Moms

when to the small boutique that Shoyo had found

to buy Kei some clothes.

If Kei looked at anything to long one of the others

was picking it up to buy.

The clothes was great they didn't look anything

like a woman would wear.

All the clothes was designed for men.

Kei had found a couple of thing he liked but wasn't

big enough for him.

The guy that was there helping them notice that Kei

kept looking at something and frowning.

He approached Kei then says

"Is there something wrong?"

Kei sighed then says

"I really like this but it won't fit."

The mans says

"That isn't a problem I can make one to fit.

I'm the own, designer and the one that will

make it for you.

Just give me until next weekend to get it do.

My husband is having a lot of morning sickness

with this baby so he can't work here right now.

So I'll have to work on it after I close the shop."

Shoyo says

"So you made everything here yourself?"

The man says

"Well I designed everything here my husband

helped make everything here before he got

pregnant this time.

He's the whole reason we open this shop we couldn't

find anything he would wear so we figured he wasn't

the only one having that problem."

Kei says

"I know how he feels.

But I love your clothes."

When they was done checking out the man ask them

to wait a minute while he grabbed something he want

to give them as a gift for Kei.

When he came back he hand Kei a bag then says

"You may not like this, but my husband loves wearing

these while running around the house.

Hell he don't even wear underwear when he wears it.

An Unexpected Reunion!!! a HinaTsuki StoryWhere stories live. Discover now