Part 11

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Let's just get right into the story!

Shoyo POV

I wake up to my beautiful husband asleep on his back because 

he can no longer sleep on his side or his stomach of course.

Kei was always a stomach sleeper before the pregnancy.

I know Kei will sleep a while longer since he didn't get to sleep

until 4:00 in the morning from being so uncomfortable.

My poor Baby is now 36 weeks pregnant and Dr. Bunting

says he is almost twice a big than he should be and it's 

all babies.

The twins look to be at least 6 pounds each from the images 

of the ultrasound as well as they are quite long.

I quietly get out of bed I go to check again that we have pack

everything we need to bring our sons home.

I also check our bags to make sure we have what we need for the

long stay in the hospital.

Yes I'm staying with him how could I not.

Because today is the day Dr. Bunting wants Kei there just incase

he goes into labor.

Dr. Bunting is hoping that he can hold on for at least another week

or two with being on complete bed rest.

Now I need to pack his books on contact law and our laptops.

The Monday after our baby reveal I sent Kei a contract from one

of the large corporations I do work for.

Kei didn't like the wording so he had me go get books on contract

law and a book on the meaning of words used in contract law he

knew what it was called from his college days.

All I had to do was go by the store and pick then up at the counter,

because one of the clerks had already gather them for him.

My wonderful and overly smart husband started taking contract

law classes online and has already almost completed it.

Kei is hoping that he can complete it before he has to deliver our


Now back to said contract Kei was right they was trying to pull a

quick one on me.

This time Kei called and talked to the CEO armed with all the 

information he need to win the argument.

By the time Kei was done with the CEO they was paying us double

the amount they was before.

God Kei should have been a lawyer, but I'm glad he's not or we

wouldn't have been able to spend as much time together.

I have a lawyer that I could have used but it would have taken

to long for him to get to it Kei probably did a better job than

they would have anyways.

I need to call the drive to pick up the bags out of the freight

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