Part 4

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I love you guys.

Thanks for reading my crappy stories.

Let's get into the story.

Shoyo was the first one up he watched Kei sleep for a 

little bit then he decide to make Kei breakfast in bed.

Shoyo got up and went to the kitchen naked. 

He putting on a plain white apron once he was there.

Shoyo got out the strawberries putting them in a blender 

then add just a little sugar and water then pureed them.

He poured the mixture in a saucepan to simmer.

Then he starter the bacon letting it cook while

he sliced some of the strawberries he saved back.

From time to time he would check on the homemade 

strawberry syrup he had simmering in the saucepan.

When he was almost finished frying the bacon he started

the pancakes.

The smell of bacon frying woke Kei.

Kei looked around for just a moment he didn't

know where he was.

Then the pain in his lower back reminded him.

Kei blushed remembering how much he loved

being Shoyo's bottom.

Kei the top is now his one love's bottom his 

brain was thinking one thing while his body 

said another.

Finally his brain said fuck it I'm Sho's bottom.

Kei looked around then seen the shorts he had

had on the night before.

His body really didn't want to get out of that

bed, but the delicious smells was calling him.

Kei limped his why to the kitchen seeing Shoyo

in nothing but a apron was almost to much.

Shoyo round full firm ass was really all that

Kei could see.

But his empty stomach and the delicious smells

beat out his lust.

Even tho Shoyo looked like a god he was starving

and he remembers what a good cook Shoyo is.

As Kei limped towards Shoyo he says

"Good morning Sho breakfast smell

really good."

Shoyo says

"Awe Kei I was going to bring you breakfast

in bed Babe."

Kei says 

"Sorry it just smelled so good."

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