ice cream

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group: wayv
little: hendery
caregivers: ten and kun
requested: unwanted_soul10
word count:447

Ten and Kun watched as Hendery counted to pout with crossed arms. He had been upset all morning but refused to tell either caregiver why.

"Come on baby...why are you so upset?"  Ten asked with a pleading tone. Hendery let out an "hmph" before storming off.

"I give up!" Ten sighed dramatically. Kun chuckled and placed a hand on his chest kissing him. "Come on babe, he'll tell us soon" Ten pouted and wrapped his hands around kun's waist.

"Hopefully! One day years from now" Kun smiled. "I don't need two pouting baby's on my hands now" he went into the play from where hendery was sitting.

"Hey baby..." Hendery mumbled a hey back before going back to pouting. "Can you tell momma why you're so upset" Hendery sighed again "Promised we would go get ice cream but never did"

Kun gasped and went to hug the little. "Oh baby! Mommy's sorry he forgot! Hope about me and daddy go take you to get some, you can even get two scoops!" Hendery immediately smiled and clapped his hands.

"Yay! Two scoops!" Kun smiled and petted his head. "Let's go get out shoes on" the tow walked out Ten shocked on how it only took Kun less then 10 minutes for Hendery to tell him.

The three started to head to the ice cream parlor nearby, Hendery skipping ahead and the two caregivers held hands watching lovingly.

Hendery got rainbow ice cream flavored with of course two scoops. Ten got chocolate and kun got strawberry. The three happily ate their ice creams having small conversations.

"When we go back home! Can we cuddles please?" Hendery asked giving puppy eyes. "Of course baby" Ten smiled. "Yay! Baby be big medium spoon dis time?"

Ten chuckled and nodded. "Yes baby, you can be medium spoon." Hendery smiled and hugged Kun. "Mommy be little spoon!" "Yeah! Mommy be little spoon!" Ten yelled along with Hendery winking.

Kun sighed at the two before smiling. "Fine. Anything for you babies" he said kissing them both.

Hendery was every excited to be medium spoon. He was usually always little spoon in little space and he wanted to hold someone this time.

When they got home and took off their shoes Hendery dragged the two knot their bedroom giggling. Kun shook his head before lying down, Hendery laid behind him cuddling close to kun's back and smiled when ten held him.

"B-Baby wove mommy and daddy very much" The two caregivers smiled and kissed Hendery's forehead before whispering a "we love you too" before they all fell asleep together.


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