
858 11 2

group: enhyphen
little: jay
caregiver: jungwon
word count: 354

"prince!" jungwon shouted for the little who came into the room cutely. "yes daddy?"

"put on your shoes, daddy is going to meet some friends" he said petting the littles hair. "do prince have change?" he pouted looking down at his white shorts and cute green froggie sweater. "no baby you don't, you can stay little as well"

jay squealed and jumped up hugging his caregiver. "thank you daddy! prince go get dressed nows" jungwon smiled as he watched the older put on his shoes.

the two were holding hands walking to the cafe where they would meet his friends. jay was a bit anxious and scared. he was like this most of the time mainly in public setting.

"daddy..." jay looked down at the ground frowning. "i worry a lot" jungwoo looked over at the little. "I know baby, that's why im here" jay huffed pouting.

"but daddy, i don't wanna make you feel bad by telling you all my worries...there's a lot...and you work so hard and don't need more stress just because im feeling down or anxious..."

jungwon stopped waking squeezing the littles hand. "prince?" jay hummed looking up at him. "are you listening to daddy?" jay nodded, "yes daddy"

"you will always tell me everything. you will do this because i love you and you are not alone, prince. i want to know everything that goes on in that little head of yours. i want to be here for you even if you only listen sometimes. i want us to continue to share our lives together. i want my prince to feel safe, loved, and happy. do you understand?"

jay sniffed wiping the tears that threaten to fall. "y-yes daddy i understand" he said as he wrapped his arms around his waist, burying his head in the caregivers chest.

jungwon chuckled and squeezed thr little tightly stroking jay's hair. "you are mine prince, and i am here for you" jay smiled up at his caregivers kissing his cheek giggling.

they held hands again walking to the cafe happily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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