Midnight Trouble

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-Slight Gore Warning-

There wasn't much of any warning, and it just came out of nowhere.

Just a few hours past by, and then, suddenly groans and cries of complete agony.

Alberto and Luca were out in the dark rain, sleeping in the treehouse beside Guilia's house.
Luca was having a peaceful rest, as he was facing the opposite direction, he had fallen asleep watching people pass by the house, waving at him.

It has been months since their secret of being sea monsters has been revealed to everyone, to which they have been accepted.

In a week, Luca and Guilia were going to board the train back to school as they were on a small summer break, which Excited them. Even Alberto felt happy for them, considering he knew he wasn't going with them.

Just as everyone else was asleep peacefully, Alberto was having the worst sleep ever, to which, coming to the fact, never really got nothing but 10 minutes of sleep.

He seemed to be in both pain and in the middle of feeling... needy. He seemed to be craving food, in which the pain was actually bad hunger pains.

It wasn't exactly sudden, since it was first beginning last night.
At last night's dinner, he was actually hungry enough that he ate the entire pot of Noodles. In fact, Luca had to hold him back from eating everyone else's plate.

The growling in his stomach was loud, sounding just like a rabid dog. Again, the pain returned, and was more severe. It was the loudest stomach growl to ever come out of a human, which led him to open his eyes, lifting his head off his pillow.

He opened his eyes quickly, to which his vision was different.
A soft and deep growl escaped his mouth, which were full of Sharp teeth.

His glowing eyes glanced around his surroundings, to which, in his vision, his surroundings were red, but moving and living Figures were white, which made it easier to see... targets.

A Vespa passed by, with a light flashing off of him for a split second.

He was in his Sea Monster form... except, he looked different.

His eyes were glowing, his teeth were sharp, he had claws, and drool fell from his chin.

It was raining lightly, which was the reason Luca was also in his Sea Monster form. Alberto was breathing heavily, as he quickly drew his claws into the wood of the treehouse, letting out one more deep growl, before using all his built-up stamina to jump from the Treehouse, and landed infront of the house on his two feet, his vision showed his breath, which was a white blob.

The person on the Vespa was in the corner of his eye, and he growled, to which he rushed out at him, on all fours, tracking him down.

The sidewalks quickly flew past, as Alberto was upto nearly as quick as a Cheetah, but not too fast. He wasn't as fast as he is underwater. But he kept the target in sight.

His eyes kept in lock with his prey he was hunting, his sea monster feet and hands could be heard hitting the wet ground.

The person riding the Vespa heard him, to which, they stopped the vehicle.
Just as they turned the vehicles light behind them to check what the noise was... Nothing. Nothing but an empty street, with rain slightly pouring.

The dark silhouette with glowing eyes quickly flew behind the person, causing them to jolt behind themselves, again, turning the vehicles light to try to find what it was. Again, Nothing.

"W-Who's there?!" They called out, revealing to be a man.

The fear could be heard in the man's voice, as he kept his foot on the foot pad, ready to speed off any minute.
He heard those wet footsteps again, then turn his Vespa to the direction of the noise.

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