Another Vicious Attack (Slight Gore Warning!)

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"A-Are you sure this is a great place to put a trap?" Massimo asked.

"Of course, while you set them, I'll block this area off, so nobody gets hurt with these traps." Eduardo replied.

"Block the area off? With what?" Massimo asked.

"With police tape, I convinced the police to let us set traps around, but only if nobody would step in them." Eduardo replied.

Massimo let out a small shrug, before turning his back over to the opening of a forest, which was nearby to Portorosso.
The forest was rarely visited, so there is a chance that whatever is attacking Portorosso is coming from this forest.

Eduardo's plan was to loop police tape around the forest, and put traps along the paths and areas that he thought could be used as hiding spots.

"Shouldn't take long to set the traps, then, should it?" Eduardo asked.

Massimo let out a small shrug, before continuing to walk away towards the forest.

"Oh no, I forgot to ask. What did you want to use as the bait?" Massimo asked.

"Since we were In such a bit of a rush, I got the first thing I saw." Eduardo replied.

"And what's that?" Massimo asked.

"A goat." Eduardo replied.

"A goat?" Massimo asked, seemingly caught off-guard.

Massimo stared at Eduardo.

"Goat meat." Eduardo replied, rephrasing himself.

Massimo nodded, understanding what he meant.

Now Massimo began setting the first trap, as Eduardo watched, waiting for his part, which was place the bait on the trap.

"Just want to double check everything's ready. I'll be right back, so stay put." Eduardo said.

Massimo nodded, as he kept setting traps.

Eduardo began walking into the forest, with a Raccoon Trap. Incase whatever the creature was, was much smaller than they thought.

Eduardo walked through the forest for a few minutes, until he reached the right path to set the trap.
He reached the end of the path, where there was a clearing.

The moonlight created a spotlight around the area, illuminating the ground.

Eduardo knelt down, as he looked for the best place to set the trap.
He felt around the ground, feeling around the flat ground, which was a great place to set a trap.

Then suddenly... a noise echoed closeby to Eduardo.

Eduardo jerked his head back to where the noise came from, startled by the noise.
He saw nothing, except for the moonlight, in which he could barely make out the trees.

"...Massimo?" Eduardo asked.

No response, the question Eduardo asked just echoed off into the forest.

He looked around for a minute, before going back to setting the trap.
It wasn't even 10 seconds, before the startling sound of bushes rustling hit Eduardo's ears.

This time, the noises were closer, much closer.

Eduardo looked around, looking in the direction in which the noise came from.

"M-Massimo, is that you?" Eduardo asked, getting scared.

Suddenly, a shadow quickly ran behind Eduardo, then quickly disappeared back into the bushes.

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