Unknown Attack

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It wasn't long before Massimo had heard about how Alberto was accused of stealing, and he was curious to know the truth.

He knew that the accusations towards Alberto HAD to be false, but still wanted to know the truth.

So, he decided to talk with Alberto, after work, of course.
First, he had followed his old friend Eduardo to a restaurant Eduardo had suggested.

"I hope you don't mind, I'd like to talk to you over dinner." Eduardo said, as they walked into the restaurant.

They walked into the restaurant, to which they were greeted by a waiter.

"Table for two?" The Waiter asked.
"Yes, please." Eduardo replied.

The waiter then led them to their table, which was a secluded table in the corner of the restaurant.

"Would you like any drinks before I grab you two menus?" The Waiter asked.

"We'll have a bottle of house wine, please." Eduardo replied.

The waiter nodded, and left the table.

"So... what's on your mind, Eduardo?" Massimo asked.

"Well, I'm going to need your help, you know, with the setting of the traps." Eduardo replied.

"Oh, I see..." Massimo replied.

"So, can you help me with that?" Eduardo asked.

"I suppose I could." Massimo replied.

Eduardo reached into his pocket, seemingly a homemade blueprint on a few traps, seemingly Bear Traps, and Raccoon Traps.

Massimo took the blueprint, and began to study it. He noticed that Eduardo's notes were very rudimentary.

No specifications of what type of bait or what kind of strength to use or what kind of poison was in it.

"Do you have any idea when you're going to set these traps?" Massimo asked.

"The sooner the better..." Eduardo replied.

"I agree." Massimo replied.

Massimo began to say something else, but was interrupted by the waiter.

"Here you are." The Waiter said, walking upto them.

The Waiter gave them their drinks and menus, before leaving.

"Thank you." Eduardo said.

Eduardo looked at the menu, as Massimo seemed to keep looking at the homemade blueprints.
Massimo continued studying the traps, more interested in the trap ideas than the menu.

The traps he was much more interested in was the Bear traps.

Massimo furrowed his eyesbrows. Even Massimo thought the Bear traps didn't seem necessary, Whatever creature was around couldn't possibly be a Bear, Bears are not local around Portorosso.

Raccoons however, could be a possibility.

But, the way the Cat was eaten, A Raccoon seemed to be impossible aswell. The last possibility was a Sea Monster, but there was no way, No way, not even a small possibility. Sea Monsters were friendly, they were friends of everyone in the entire city of Portorosso, Massimo's Adopted Son is a Sea Monster, and Guilia's school mate is a Sea Monster.

Massimo decided to believe it HAD to be a Fox, or a Coyote.
The only other option was a Bear, but even then, that seemed highly unlikely.

The waiter came by to ask if they were ready to order.

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