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"Looks can be deceiving" 

It ran in Yoongis head all day long, for the past 8 years he could not forget that sentence if it could save his life. 14 year old Jungkook knew how to get in people's heads without actually trying. 

The rumor him, Jimin, and Tae started, spread like wild fire around the school, within 2 days everyone knew about it. What was once a bright and happy boy, became a quiet and mysterious weirdo real quick. What was once a happy and colorful school became dull and colorless.

The cause of this was unknown.

Was it the way they treated him?

Was it the way everyone would silently judge each other for saying such low things about a person they barely know even though they say the exact same things?

Or was it the fact that everyone could remember the ominous feeling Jungkook emitted before he was wiped off of the face of the earth?

People don't just disappear with no explanation.

This whole thing, everyone thought about at least a couple times because the ENTIRE family was gone. 

Jungkooks mom, his father, his 3 siblings, and all of their belongings. 

The house sat there, collecting dust and unopened mail. Piling on the front step, waiting to be opened.

People would occasionally pass there and talk about the sudden disappearance of the most powerful family in all of Korea, The Jeons.

It's as though that house was never occupied in the first place.

Yoongi would always be caught up in his head and his friends would sometimes ask what his problem was but they never got a response.

He never knew why he did what he did to Jungkook.

Jungkook was always such a nice boy. He could make everyone's day just by smiling at them. That smile of his lit up an entire room countless times... 

So, why...?

Why did he and his friends do such a horrible thing? Jungkook would still be here. Making that huge gaping hole in everyone's chest full again.

No one talked about the Jeon family. Which is why Yoongi kept his mouth shut, but he really needed to talk to someone about this before he literally drives himself crazy.

Yoongi clicked his tongue while running his fingers through his black hair, he closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

Yoongi pulled up Jungkooks old Instagram account for the first time in 2 years.

Yoongi pulled up Jungkooks old Instagram account for the first time in 2 years

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kookie.captures : On a road trip with my Hyungs! I look mad but it's so fun! Chu~ 😗

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