C= Communication

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A/N: I had a lot of fun writing this, but it is one of the weirdest things I have ever written. If you're not into cursed things, feel free to scroll past loll

Ship: Serodeku

Word count: 5160

Summary: The aliens had had agents on the Earth for some time, more as observers than anything else. What they saw was unbearable, suffering in so many species. No longer could they wait, communications were urgent. 

When you imagine the final days for the humans of planet Earth, you envision humans coming out in droves to plead their innocence. Your imagination paints the image of an alien high command looking at them through his compound eyes, his mouth a thin line.

But Deku, the son of the alien in command, can confirm that extermination was an unpleasant business and even more so when the dominant species was sentient - but they weren't the only sentient species on the planet and the law of Galaxy 5 had to be applied.

The humans had been sent the required number of messages through their "prophets" despite their penchant for killing them. Now the populations cried, "It wasn't us! It was the corporations, we just did what we had to do to survive!" The alien commander couldn't speak human, not in any dialect, it just sounded like so much bleating to him. He punched a button on his translator and his mouth became an even grimmer slash, mandibles clicking in irritation.

Izuku stood by his side the entire time, listening to the cries of such a toxic species, and was glad that the beep boop God (A/N: I'm editing and just realized thats robot noises not aliens-) gifted him with being born away from them.

"What are you going to do?" Izuku asked quietly in their ancient tongue. All Might, the alien commander, seemed to be asking himself the same question because he rested back in his seat. The pressure caused bubbles to spew out of the back, Izuku stepping out of the way in time for it to float past.

"I don't know yet," he admitted, trusting his son with the truth rather than any other nosy alien. "But I'll figure it out soon. There's no reason to kill them all, that'll get dirty. I also have no interest in this planet. It just looks polluted."

Izuku laughed, looking down at the pollution charts that were beginning to buzz on his father's dashboard.

When the aliens came to earth they took their standard planetary health check, it had been some time since they'd been near the backwater called "Earth." The readings were off the charts, mass extinction and pollution. The dominant species appeared to be in full knowledge of the damage being inflicted to not only their own species but all of the others, yet they carried on.

They had the charts to keep track of their own planet, but it worked on every other planet too. This one must be filthy if it sounded like it was going to burst.

"I trust you'll make the right decision." Izuku bowed respectfully before turning away and dismissing himself, pressing his palm to the security operator on the door. It glowed green and the doors opened, a small gust of smoke illuminating his feet as he exited.

His friend, Uraraka, was waiting outside with an oddly rotten piece of fruit in hand. He looked at it weirdly but decided not to comment on the brownish color, instead he smiled at her with a kind greeting.


The alien invasion was as much a rescue mission as anything else. The dumb part was everyone expected to see them, or see great ships in the sky. Neither of those things occurred. They'd been here for sometime, quietly fixing things, helping the Earth to heal.

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