E = Everyone Had Been Broken Before

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Word Count: 6204 words

Summary:  The summer bloom has cried so many petals onto the still warm earth, just as Eri has rained down her own wet sorrow. Guilt was her master in the sense of being a great and loving teacher. Through it, she learned and evolved.

She just had to acknowledge it as a good thing first.

Thank you E_Writes_05 for this beautiful request ❤️✨

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Thank you E_Writes_05 for this beautiful request ❤️✨


The first day of Second grade was so close, Eri could practically taste it. Eri has gone through so much and fought so hard to make it this far. She's worked harder than any girl her age should. So much work has gone into reaching this point , she really did get there gradually and each step was her own victory.

Aizawa had demanded firmly that she be homeschooled until she learned to control her quirk, and after 2 years of constant training, 8 year old Eri was permitted to attend second grade.

Never given very much, she was always appreciative of what she got. She celebrated every achievement as if she had accomplished something great. Like being a master at rocket science, or discovering a new planet.

And to her, those couldn't ever match up to her progressing in her quirk training and academic journey.

Her childhood rescue team and the entirety of UA had her back, Nezu actually being the one to get her into a good school through recommendation.

With all the important people to her being so supportive, the journey was easier than it should have been. She learned to control her quirk and make the best of it.

Everyone was 99% positive that by Eri's first year of highschool, she'd be an unstoppable force. But that didn't change the fact that she was more of a lover than a fighter. She was aiming to be a hero that aided other heroes on the field, rather than bringing harm to another human being.

She did what she had to, but kept her morals.

So grasping her sparkly bookbag in her shaking hands, she held it over her face as she peaked from her hiding place. The school was across the street, yet she couldn't gather up the courage to cross. Aizawa, who was beside her, kept a hand on her head to make sure she didn't try to turn around or wander away. After a few minutes of watching kids enter the school, she clung to his leg.

"I'm scared," she admitted in a timid voice. He looked down at her and couldn't help but sigh. Eri was so excited about the overall aspect of school but she had a lot of trauma that she didn't know how to deal with. Aizawa had gotten her a therapist, but there was only so much they could do. She still didn't fully understand what was happening to her and the distrust she gained from Overhaul's constant guilt tripping and manipulation was still present.

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