#Insert 5

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I couldn't believe what I saw.I don't think he saw me so I closed the door I couldn't believe that he would to that to me with my best friend's sister. Seeing them kissing and cuddling broke me. I walk to the back door,walk through the kitchen and went upstairs to the bedroom
Sat on the bed and called Grey's phone,he declined the call I stood up and I ran downstairs to the sitting room.
Me:Grey are you being for real right now?You cheating on me with Jessica?
I looked deep in his eyes to see if he really cared. I ran up the stairs to the bedroom. He walked in and closed the door.
Grey: I'm so sorry.
Me:I need to tell you something by the way.
Grey just looked at me.
Me:I'm pregnant.
Grey:I love you but I'm not ready to have a child. So it's either you abort that child or it grows up with out a father.
I looked at him with disbelief that he could say that to the person he claims to love.
Me:I would never abort this child,I don't care if it grows up without a father at least I'll be there for it and I don't need you or your support I'm having this baby with or with out your help.I can't believe you right now ,do you know the complications of an abortion what if i could never conceive again huh,thought so.
I stood up with tears in my eyes, walked out the door went downstairs to the kitchen.I opens the cupboards broke the glasses and plates and walked out the back door I've never felt that betrayed in my whole entire life.I called Erica and she answered right away.
The Call
I was crying and sobbing.
Me:Erica are you available I need a ride home.
Erica:No babes I'm not in Cape Town.
Me:Ok I'll just walk then.
I hung up.I started walking and it started raining,it poured hard.I stood underneath a little roof close to a tuck shop.A car came aroundthe corner and stopped infront of me.
The Driver:Hey,do you need a lift.
I was so cold I didn't even resist to get into the car.
Him:You looked cold do you live around here?
Him:I'm Luca by the way.
Me:I'm Aliyaah Smith.
We spoke while driving home.We arrived infront of my mom's house. We spoke until it got dark.We exchange tens. I walked in and my mom is no where to be found,so I called her.
The Call:
Mom:Hey baby.
Me:Hey,where you at?
Mom:At Erica's house.
I was so hungry,I ordered food,it arrived, I payed. I ate my food watched some cartoons,my mom walked in and sat next to me on the couch.
Me:He didn't want the child and I found him with Jessica.
Mom:You lie!
Me:To think I trusted him tho.
Me and mom spoke and cracked laughs here and there.I got so tired I went to my room took a quick shower and went to bed later.

Hey Guys I'm writing and I wanna start writing a new story so I'm gonna summarise the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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