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Hey guys, i know its been a long time. Honestly.. I kinda forgot about this story but i wanna keep it going. My writing got worse tho hahah. Anyways, I hope that everyones doing alright!

"No, i wanna know Grayson. He seemed off"

"Look. It's late and you're tired. We can talk about this right after you wake up tomorrow morning. You can even wake me up early if it's that important to you."

"Okay..Mmm Can you sleep here tonight?" I heard her say. It almost sounded like she was already asleep.

I turned around again, walked up to her bed and got under the covers. Her now sleeping body seemed to be squirming around a bit, so i pulled her into me, spooning her.

My sister.


My sister.

My sister? No. Well yes, but no.
I just cant seem to think about her like that. I tried. When I was 12, I just thought of her as a friend and that did'nt stop till I was about 17. These past three years were weird. I stopped seeing her as a friend, but also could'nt see her as a sister.

I think.. No. I know that I am denying something.
There is something between her and me. I dont want to force it. I hate waiting.

Maile is beautiful. Her face, her hair, her eyes. Damn those beautiful eyes. Her smile and her lips.

I really have to stop thinking like this. She is only 16 and there is no way that i am taking advantage of a 16 year old girl.

I know that she feels it too tho. I will wait. Or I will forget.

Will I wait or will I forget?

With that question running on my mind, I fell asleep. With my favorite person in my arms.


Maile's P.O.V.

I woke up feeling arms around my body. I opened my eyes and instantly knew it was Grayson. Just by the smell.

I looked onto my clock that was standing on my nightstand: 8AM
Perfect. I'm trying to wake up earlier and wanted to go on a run this morning.

As i was trying to get put of Grays tight grip, I noticed that he was starting to squirm.
"Hey, hey, hey..Come back here. You not going anywhere baby."

Baby. BABY. Okay. Calm Down.

"I'm trying to go on a run Grayson" I said whining.

"No you're staying here. I want to cuddle with you." He said, pulling me closer to him.

"You know, we're gonna have to talk about this sometime but first we're gonna talk about dad. Just like you promised." I said.

He groaned.

"Fine" he said through gritted theeth. "But only if you turn around and lay your head onto my chest so that i can play with your hair."

"Alright" I did what he asked for.

"So what do you wanna know?" he asked.

"I just felt like something was off yesterday. He looked so tired and just old. I never saw him that exhausted." I said while putting my hand onto his chest too.

"Well Maile, I think there actually is something you should talk about with Blake. I could come with if you'd like to." Grayson said.

Now i was beginning to worry.

"What are you talking about Gray?" I asked him scared.

"Get ready, I will make a meeting with his manager." Grayson said and took his phone.

I just threw on a white top that was a little cropped and black ripped baggy jeans.

"Okay take a shower and change real quick. Imma pick you up in 20minutes. You understand?" He asked while grabbing my face so that i looked up to him.

"Yes" i said, nodding.

He leaned down a bit and whispered into my ear: "Good Girl". Before giving me a kiss onto my forehead.


20minutes later.

Grayson's P.O.V.

I opened Mailes door and said "Cmon, your dad is waiting."

She hurried and walked behind me.
We made it to the door of his study, but before i opened the door, she grabbed my hand.

I turned around and saw that she was frightened.

"Dont be scared Maile. Im here with you. I wont leave your side." I said and squeezed her hand.

I opened the door and went in to see my mom and Blake sitting at his desk. Maile and i took a seat on the other side. I didn't let go of her hand. Not once.

"Dad. What going on?" Maile asked.

"Well.." Blaked started saying, then looked up to mom.

"You remember the time Blake and me went to New York because of his company?.. Well we went because your dad has been feeling very sick lately." My mom said.

Then all hell broke.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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