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"Hey, i'm so sorry about that. I'm not the one deciding what to ask."

"That's okay, Nina. I know how the business works. Was really nice talking to you tho. I'd like to do that again some time."

"I'd like that too." She said.

"Is this your private number?" i asked her.

"Um, yes it is." She said nervously.

"Well i'm gonna text you sometime. Again, it was nice talking to you Nina."

"You too, Grayson."

"See you" i said.


One week later.

Maile's P.O.V.:

3 days ago we got back from Los Angeles.
Grayson and I have been getting along very well. Ethan's been hanging around in his room a lot lately. Sometimes i hear him talking to a girl. I think it's Emma. At least i hope so.

I still haven't seen my Dad yet. Lisa and Dad had to fly directly to New York because of something that happened at his company but they should be coming home tonight.

"Soooo Grayson you gonna cook tonight?" i asked as i was sitting on the kitchen countertop.

"Not happening. Ask Ethan."

"Yeah about that..I feel like he's hiding something." i told him.

"Thank god. I thought i was the only one that noticed." Gray said.


"Daddy" I screamed so loud.

Ethan, Grayson and I were sitting on the couch, eating pasta as we heard the door open.

I jumped up to look who it was and as you probably already guessed. My dad.

I sprinted towards him. As i was about to jump onto him he said

"Shh Mija" He stopped me from jumping him and instead just hugged me very tightly.

"Hey Papa, I thought you guys weren't gonna come tonight, but i'm very glad." I said, smiling up at him.

"I'm glad too, my sweet daughter." Dad said while kissing my head.

"I missed you guys. Come here." he said looking at Gray and E.

They both hugged him while i went over to greet Lisa.

After that we went to our movie theater but i fell asleep right after the first few minutes.


After the first few minutes, i heard light snores. I turned my head to see Maile sleeping.

I must say she is very cute when she sleeps. She looks so innocent and shy. Maile is very stubborn in real life tho which may or may not be good for her later on.

When i first met her she was only 8 and i was 12. We actually got along very well.
She wasn't as stubborn, i guess that's because she always got what she wanted but after me and Ethan moved in that changed. She didn't get all her daddy's attention anymore.
She had to share toys, had to wait for us to open our presents on christmas before she could open hers.

It's not like that's her fault tho. It isn't ours either. It's her dads fault, but he knows that.

He couldn't have done anything different. He worked his ass of for his company to get the income that they do.

If Maile would've had someone who would've been stricter with her than she wouldn't be so bratty. That's why i'm trying to teach her some things.

Being patient. Being responsible and having respect.


I turned my head to the other side to see Blake whispering my name.

"Could you take her upstairs?"

"Sure" i said smiling at him.

I took her into my arms like she was a little teddy bear. She immediately wrapped her legs around my torso.

I walked upstairs and reached her room.

"Gray?" I heard a sleepy voice say, obviously Mailes.

Guess trying to put her to bed isn't that easy.

"Yes, Maile?" I said while i putting her down onto her bed.

"I think..I'm not tired anymore." She said while yawing.

"That's not gonna be working on me and you know it."

"Mhmmm, I know" she said.


"Goodnight Gray." i heard her say while I was pulling her blanket up to her neck.

Gotta keep yo girl cozy.

Walking around the side of her bed and up to where her head was laying, I was leaned over her and kissed her head.

"Night Maile" I then whispered into her ear.


As I was about to close her door, I heard her ask: "Hey Gray? Did daddy look weird to you today?"

I sighed..


"No, i wanna know Grayson. He seemed off"

"Look. It's late and you're tired. We can talk about this right after you wake up tomorrow morning. You can even wake me up early if it's that important to you."

"Okay..Mmm Can you sleep here tonight?" I heard her say. It almost sounded like she was already asleep.

I turned around again, walked up to her bed and got under the covers. Her now sleeping body seemed to be squirming around a bit, so i pulled her into me, spooning her.

My sister.

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