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"CowMoo," Fralith explained, pointing to the CowMoo on the page.

BlueShirt nodded, a grin fighting for a place on his lips. "Right... That's...that's definitely a CowMoo."

He gave BlueShirt a weird look. What was so funny? That's what Tim said it was! He huffed and grumphed, picking up the book and turning the page. The words he couldn't read, but the pictures were interesting to look at and BlueShirt was telling him their names. "Lanhasavi?" he asked, showing BlueShirt the new picture.

"That's a barn. Barn. Bah-ern. Barn." BlueShirt pointed to each of the things in the picture, naming them as he moved his finger around. "Pasture. Past-ture. Pasture. Farmer. Far-mer. Farmer."

B-are-n. Barn is the weird house. Pahst-ture. That's the grass. Far-mer. He's the person. Is his name Farmer or is it something else? Fralith glanced at BlueShirt's mouth, watching as it formed the words. He tried to copy them, moving his lips and tongue in the same way, but without any voice behind it. It was a little easier now — his tongue didn't feel like a stick of wood in his mouth — and, most of the time, he could manage to not blend the short words together.

"...and phew, that's a lot of things to name."

Shaking himself out of his thoughts, he flicked his gaze down to the book. BlueShirt had turned the page to another picture, this one taking up one whole side. It featured an animal that vaguely looked like Slirdandrii — not that he'd ever seen one in person — Farmer, and a bunch of other items that were similar to saddles.

BlueShirt tapped the NotSlirdandrii. "This is a horse. Horse. Horse. They often go — er — neigh, neigh, neigh."

Horse? Neigh? HorseNeigh...? Fralith cocked his head to the side. "Hoarssng'neigh?"

Raising his eyebrows, BlueShirt shook his head. "Horse. Hor-se. No neigh involved."

No neigh? But why? Didn't BlueShirt say that was a part of its name? He screwed up his face and tried again. "...Horssnegh?"

"Mmm...close. Horse. Hor-se."

Where did the neigh go? "Hooorsssss."

BlueShirt nodded. "That's better. Can you say it without the 'sss'?"

Fralith licked his lips and blew out a breath so it flapped his lips. Why did this language have such short words? It was so hard to stop! "Hooor...s. Horrmse. Hornssse. Horrse? Horseee. Beep!"

"Hey, you're doing well, Brave Bud. You're very close!" BlueShirt patted his back and pushed back his hair, tucking it behind his ears, smiling.

He looked at him, tongue stuck between his teeth. It tingled quite uncomfortably from his attempts at talking. "Bleveplp."

"Is that so?" BlueShirt wiggled his eyebrows.


"I see."


"Fascinating conversation you two are having."

"Tim!" Fralith shoved aside the book and sat up, grinning at his flame-haired friend, shawl swishing around his shoulders. You're here! With food!

Tim laughed, pushing the cart over to the bed. "Oh, what a joy it is to hear you call my name! Probably for the food I bring, but still. After all your beeping, it's good to know you're not half heart monitor or anything else the public has been cooking up."

BlueShirt chuckled, taking the book and closing it. "They have been getting wild ideas, haven't they?"

Tim nodded, setting up the tray while Fralith impatiently bounced, wiggled, and flicked his fingers. Couldn't they hurry up already? Hungry! He was very hungry!

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