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The muffled roar of the MetalEater outside the door vibrated the floor under his feet, signalling its departure. Fralith clenched his fingers, standing his ground even as icy prickles ran up and down his arms, staring at the door Tim and BlueShirt had left through. They'll be back, he told himself. They'll come back. It's not forever. It's not like Davith.

But when would they be back? How long did he have to wait? Heat twisted in his chest and snowmelt crashed over him, ripping away the last of his calm. He jumped forward, reaching for the door. "Tim! Samilshu!"

Arms wrapped around his shoulders, drawing him back. "Shh, shh," RuthMom murmured. "They will be back. You'll see both of them soon."

He twisted against RuthMom's arms, the heat in his chest rising up his throat and pressing at the back of his eyes. "Meio! Nadunthiulammo! Cumaprevaha!"

"Shh, shh. It's okay, Love. It's not forever." Her arms wrapped around him tighter, pulling him to her chest and pressing his face into her shoulder.

Shoulders slumping, he allowed her to move him and his fingers to grasp her shirt tightly. "Nadunthiulammo." His voice cracked and he swallowed, licking his lips. "Nadunthiulammo." He squeezed his eyes shut, pushing at the cold, scaly shudders twisting around his ribs and knotting them together. They'll come back. They'll come back. They'll come back. Please come back for me. Please don't leave me.

RuthMom stroked the back of his head, murmuring strange but soft syllables until the cold, scaly shudders melted into shadows.

He sniffed, pulling back and wiping at his eyes. Tears seemed to come easily now. Maybe it was because the constant shadows sliding under his skin, or the memories that pounced on him when he wasn't looking. Or maybe it was both and none at all.

Tears are so complicated. Movement flashed in front of him and he pulled himself from his thoughts, focusing on RuthMom, who was rising to her feet.

"Let's get some food into you," she said with a warm smile. "That always seems to cheer you up. Then you can help me press some flowers, okay?" She mimed chewing on food and pointed at him.

Foo-duh! He was starting to recognize that word all on his own. He wasn't sure what exactly it meant yet, but he was pretty sure it had to do with eating which... a cook-y would be nice. With a nod and a final glance towards the door, he padded into the kitchen with her.

RuthMom stopped in front of the tall, silver rectangle that looked rather like a door—with its handles on either side—but led to no room. Pulling open the FoodDoor, she rummaged around and pulled out a small container of cook-ys.

A flash of warm light shone through the soggy grayness inside of him at the sight. Yes! Cook-ys! He rocked onto his toes, lifting himself closer towards the delicious circles, saliva filling his mouth.

"Ah, I knew it would work." RuthMom chuckled and handed him a cook-y before putting the rest away and shutting the FoodDoor. She patted his shoulder as she past him, heading for the table.

Fralith stuffed the cook-y into his mouth and followed. Sweetness Hinchillas stampeded around in his mouth, headbutting him with their lovely heads and chasing away the worst of the gloom. He swallowed and came to a stop at one of the chairs, watching as RuthMom as she went to the shelves, took a box, and set it on the table.

From the box she produced cuttings of flowers that seemed to match the ones growing outside. These she placed on her right in neat rows, organized by kind. Returning to the shelf, she pulled out a brown roll and a lot of heavy-looking books, which she set on the table with a grunt.

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