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Before I start I want to say that all names in this sorry has been changed, this is not only to remain anonymous it also makes me uncomfortable leaving all the real names out there.

My name is Alex the first part of the story will start in my first day in my new school when I was 7 years old.
I have brown straight hair with brown eyes, also my vision is very fucked up my right eye it's all blurry and my left eye can actually see but i can't read from far away. So that means that I've had to wear glasses all my life.
I was home schooled for my first elementary year. I think it was because my mom was looking for a new job so she decided to home school me to spend more time with me I guess.

Anyways the school I used to go at was a private catholic school and it had a different school system than the one used in the rest of schools in the US. My school had all 12 grades from first grade to 12th grade AKA senior year. Also it was divided in 2 parts, elementary (1st grade-6th grade) and secondary school (7th grade-12th grade).

Hope you guys like my story! :)

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