Chapter 1

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Tuesday 8:30am Last day of summer
"Do you think people will like me?" I asked my mom while eating breakfast.
"Of course they'll do you are such a smart kid" my mom answered.
"Did people like dad?"
My parents where classmates all their life but started dating during college.
"Well I don't remember much of elementary but he was kind of popular during secondary"
"Do you think people will like me like dad?"
"Of course they will! you are just like him when he was a kid"
"Of course you are smart, sweet and such a happy kid"
"Thanks mom"
I was laying down on the rug playing on the living room when I heard my dad coming.
"Alright little man time for bed" he said sitting next to me
"But..." I yawned "but I'm not tired yet"
"I think someone needs their bed come on" he said carrying me
"Tomorrow is your first day of school you don't want to be late right?" He said carrying up the stairs
"No..." I said with my eyes closed.
My dad took me to my room and changed me into my pajamas. And tugged me in bed.
"Will Aiden be in my class?" I asked half asleep.

Aiden was a kid of one of my friends mom who was also being homeschooled since we both were being homeschooled my mom decided we should do homeschooled together. We would usually do one week in my house and another on his.
It was pretty fun he was also really smart we would always compete who finished our homework first or we would tell each other how dumb we were when we got a questions wrong.

"Well I can't tell you he will, we will have to wait and see bud"
"I hope he's in my class I like him he's funny" I said.
My mom came and kissed me goodnight. And I fell asleep.

Wednesday 6:00am First day of summer

My mom woke me up softly her calm and loving voice along with her soft touch in my face.
I woke up seeing her beautiful brown eyes full of happiness and love.
"Good morning sleeping beauty" she said
"Hi mom" i said
"Did you sleep well?"
"Hmh" i nodded
"Today is your first day of school isn't that exciting?"
I rubbed my eyes and nodded
"Why don't you go and take a shower while I get your uniform ready, deal?"
"Deal" I said heading to the bathroom.
After I took a shower and dried my body I opened the door and saw my mom has left my uniform on my bed.

My school uniform was really basic.
A white shirt with the school logo on it and black pants with white socks and black shoes.

I went down the stairs and went into the kitchen and saw my mom getting my lunch ready.

"Mom look" i said excited showing off my uniform.
"Oh my god! You look so cute on your new uniform come on let's get breakfast going so we can get to school at early as we can" she said leading me to the table and bringing my breakfast.

It was French toast with vanilla milk my favorite breakfast when I was a kid.

After I had breakfast I got on my moms car and she started to drive to school.
7:10 am

"Do you think my teacher will be nice?" I asked
"I'm sure they will be a great teacher" my mom answered
"I hope they are nice and smart and funny and really good person"
"I hope so too honey"

When we arrive to the school my mom parked in a small parking lot that was inside our school.
Before school started my school sent an email saying that parents could not go into the halls or go with their kids to their classroom.
So I had to say bye to my mom next to her car.

"Alright honey we are here" she said getting out of the car and getting me out too.
"Will you go with my to my class?" I asked.
"Remember the email your school sent? I can't go with you little dude I'm sorry"
"Oh it's okay"
"Okay you are in class B you know where you're class is right?"
"Hmh" I nodded.
"Okay today is half day so I'm going to pick you up at 12 okay? I'll be here waiting for you got it?"
"Do you know my phone number in case of any emergencies right?"
"Yep" I answered.
"Okay I love you so much" she said hugging me. "I'm so proud of you"
"Thank you mom I love you too" I said giving her the hug back.
"I have to go mom" I said.
"Okay honey give a great day show everyone how smart you are okay?"
"Okay mom love you" I said before turning around and starting to walk towards my class.

While I was walking I noticed Aiden who was also walking towards our class.
I walked faster so I could catch up to him.

"Aiden hi" I said walking next to him.
"Oh hi Alex are you excited for our first day?" He asked
"Of course, what class are you in?"
"Im on class B what about you" Aiden answered.
"We are on the same class!" I said excited.
"Awesome" he answered.

When we finally got to our class we entered and there wasn't a lot of kids inside yet probably around 8 kids out of the 25 that were in every class.

We sat together and started taking.
The day started great once class started our teacher introduced themselves.

Each class has an associate teacher that was in charge of the class they would decorate the classroom plan activities and be in charge of the class during trips.

We only had 3 periods since it was a half day. First period was math.

Out math teacher toon assistance and gave us a worksheet to do and my and Aiden as usual make a bet who could finish the sheet first.
Obviously I not only won the race against Aiden I was the first person to finish the sheet I wen to my teachers desk and shower her the sheet.

"Great job alex right?" She asked
"Yes ma'am thank you" I answered.

The rest of the day went very similar our teacher would give us a set of problems/questions/assignment and we would have to do it.
It usually was really easy stuff since it was the first day.

When the day was over i went to the spot my mom left me and she was there waiting for me. I told her all about my first day and how I was excited about tomorrow.

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