Chapter 4

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Today we talked about the scars on my hands and knees since every time I'd see then it would remind me of they happened and it made me feel really insecure about them

I got them one day when I was running from this older kids at the end of the school day I walked past them and they called me by my nick name "donkey" instead of turning around and facing them I instantly started running which they responded by chasing me

Of course they were faster than me but instead of trying to stop me of pulling my by my shirt when one of them got closed enough he pushed me down while I was trying to run I feel on the stripped concrete running full speed.

I didn't even had time to look at them when they just started kicking me on the ground I was already crying from the burning pain on my hands and knees but the kick just made everything worse

When they left I got up and looked at my hands it was gross there was dirt and blood all over them and it burned like hell and it was just as bad as on my knees I went to the bathroom and cleaned them and started to walk home

When my mom got home she made sure nothing was infected and gave me some antibiotics.
When my knees healed I got a log of tiny weird spot and lines that are lighter than my skin and the same thing happened for my hands and every time people see them it reminds me of that day every time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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