Chapter 2

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Thursday 6:00 am
My alarm clock woke me up meaning it was the start of my first full day at school.

I rushed out of my bed into my bathroom and started to take a shower.

While I was in the shower I heard my mom opening the door of my room to get my clothes ready for the day.

I got off the shower and saw my uniform on my bed I put it on and went downstairs and sat on the table.

"Hunny me and your dad won't be able to pick you up from school you'll have to take the bus play?" My mom said from the kitchen bringing breakfast.

"Okay mom" I answered.

After I finished breakfast I got on my moms car and we drove to school.
"You know how the bus works right?" She said as we entered the school.
"Yes I know mom the bus leaves at 2:30 and I take the second bus" I said.
"Okay just making sure" my mom said before parking.
I give her a bye kiss and god of the car and started to walk to my classroom.

The day started as expected out associate teacher took assistance and talked to us before leaving letting the first period teacher start his lesson.

Second period for today was art our teacher told us to get out art textbooks out and work trough page 6 trough 11.

Me and Aiden started to work trough them but after a little I was interrupted by a burning sensation on my arm.

"Ow! That's hurts" I said looking back and seeing a kid with a pen in his hands.
"Why did you that?" I said.
His answer was only a laugh before turning around to talk back to their friends.
"Dude did you see that?" I told Aiden who watched the whole thing.
"Yeah that was weird but kinda funny" he said letting a chuckle.
"That wasn't funny it hurt" I said
"Yeah but you sounded like a little girl" he taunted
"No I didn't" I answered.
"Okay whatever you said" Aiden said.

After we were done with the assignment I noticed Aiden talking with the kid that burned me with his pen.
I didn't think much about it but it, Im not the petty type of person so I didn't care.

The bell rang telling it was time for lunch I put all my stuff in my backpack but taking out one of the books I was currently reading and turned to Aiden who was already leaving the classroom.

"Aiden wait for me" I said getting up and catching up to him.
"Oh alex Lucas told me that i could go with them to play soccer"
"Who is Lucas?" I asked confused.
"The kid who pulled the prank on you"
"You mean The kid that burned me with his pen?"
"Well yeah but it was kind of funny, anyways do you want to come?" Aiden said.

I've never liked doing sports because of how bad I am at them.

"Well not really." I said "but you can go I'll be fine" I followed trying to not make Aiden feel bad.

"Okay awesome bye" Aiden said before rushing out of the classroom.

My mom didn't have time to make Linux for me that day so she gave me a 5$ bill so I could buy something to eat.

I started to walk to one of the stores that my school had but I saw a big amount of kids all trying to buy at the same time so since I wasn't hungry at the moment I decided that I would buy something later and tried to find a quiet place to read.

I found an isolated place at the bottom of some ceramic stairs I sat down and started reading.

After a little I heard some loud voices coming from on the halls that were close to the stairs i saw 3 older kids probably on 4th-5th grade laughing and taking with each other.
I stare at them for a little bit until one of the boys made eye context with me I quickly switched my view back to my book hoping he didn't see me.
That's when I heard multiple footsteps coming my direction.

"Whats up" I heard. I looked up and saw all 3 of them staring at me.
"Uh...hi" I said nervously.
"What are you reading?" One of them said.
"Nothing..." I said closing my book.
"Nice glasses" another boy said.
"Thanks" I answered.
"Mind if I take a look?" The third boy said while taking my glasses off my face.
"Hey those are mine" i said standing up trying to reach for my glasses.
"Well they don't have your name on them" The boy said putting my glasses as high as he could
"Yeez are you blind how can you even see with these on" the boy said trying my glasses on and throwing them to the ground.
"Be careful" I said picking up my glasses and trying to leave.
"Where do you think you are going?" One of the boys said grabbing me by the shirt.
"I'm hungry I'm going to buy lunch could you please let go?" I said.
That's when I felt 2 hands go into my pockets.
"What are you doing?" I said trying to get their hands of my pocket.
It didn't take long for them to find the bill my mom gave me.
"That's the money my mom gave me to buy lunch"
"Well not anymore" the boy in a taunting voice holding the bill up.
I tried to get the bill of his hands i raised my hands as high as I could I was on my tippy toes and even jumping to get it.
All of this caused a lot of laughter on the boys.
"If you don't give me my money I'm telling!" I threatened.
At that moment I felt my shirt being lifted up form the back and a pair of hands taking a grip of my waistband.
I didn't have tema to process what was happening when I felt a sharp pain in my butt.
"OW!" I let out a moan of pain.
"What are you doing? It hurts!" I said with tears forming on my eyes.
"You have the dorkiest underwear I've ever seen!" He taunted as he and his friends laughed and as he pulled harder.
"OW!" I let out another moan.
"Are you still going to tell on us loser?" The boy said.
"It hurts so much please stop" I said with tears dropping out of my eyes.

That was the first time I've ever experience so much pain my parents have never hit me and i was a pretty sensitive person. Even people screaming at me would make my eyes go watery. So feeling my butt on fire and my baby nuts being crushed by my underwear was the strongest pain I've ever felt up until that moment.

"Dude he's crying!" Of them said laughing even harder.
"Are you going to tell on us cry baby?" He said. Pulling harder.
"No no no! I won't i swear just please stop!" I whined.
The kid gave one last hard yank before pushing me making fall to the ground.
"Well you better keep your word or I'm gonna punch your face" the kid said before leaving.

I was left on the ground crying in pain with my underwear sticking out of my pants.
I got up and undid my wedgie and did my best to put all of my stretched undies back in my pants.

The rest of the school day went on normally except for the fact that I was hungry for the rest of the day.

Thursday 2:45pm

I got off the bus and put the code for the door my parents weren't home yet my mom would usually get home by 5 and my dad would get home by 7.

I felt weird like a feeling I've never experienced before a mix of embarrassment fear and sadness it made my tummy feel weird.

I changed clothes and just read until my mom got home.

I heard a knock on my door.
"Honey can i come in?" My mom said trough the other side of the door.
"Yes mom" I answered.
"How was school little one?" She said sitting next to me on my bed.
"School was fine..." I lied.
"Is there something wrong?"
I didn't answer.
"Hunny if there is something wrong you know you can tell me I work get mad" she said touching my arm.
"They told me to not tell" I said scared of what would the older boys would do.
"Who, who told you that?" She said getting closer to me.
"The older kids" I said looking down.
"Could you please tell me what happened?" She said.
I nodded.
"I was reading alone during lunch and a group of older kids came and made fun of me and my glasses then they took the money you have me for lunch and then they pulled on my undies really hard and it really hurt" I said with tears forming on my eyes.
"They told me that If I told anyone they were going to punch my face".

"That's horrible do you know their names?" My mom asked.
I shakes my head.
"They didn't tell me"
"Well they can't hurt you anymore okay? Im here, you are safe now" she said hugging me.

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