110) Ron Lightens The Mood, and Pansy Ruins It

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I sat in my room alone for a long time, trying to think of anything except for Draco. It didn't work very well. I tried doing my homework (I accidentally wrote shit seven times in my report on the goblin rebellions of the eighteenth century, but I didn't bother to change it cause I knew old Cuthbert Binns didn't actually read those), but that didn't work out. I tried reading a book, but the words seemed to swim off the page, in spite of the fact that I was reading Greek. Even drawing couldn't seem to calm me down.

The door to my room opened at half past ten, and Ron stepped in, shutting the door behind him, "Harry said he wanted to know what's going on." He held up the Invisibility Cloak, frowning. "I told him that we were trying to help a younger demigod who'd messed with a harpy and it was stalking them, but that it was one of camp's harpies and we couldn't just kill it. I said that Pansy was friends with the kid who was in Slytherin. Any new Slytherin demigods?"

"Yeah, Chiara Benvenuti, daughter of Tyche," I nodded.

"Lucky us, then," Ron said. He looked down, pausing. "Did I just make a joke?"

"You did," I nodded, the ghost of a smile flashing across my face.

Ron grinned, sat down on my bed, then flopped backwards. He stared up at the ceiling, "He's gonna be all right."

"No, I don't think he will be," I said.

Ron turned to look at me, "I don't mean now. Or tomorrow, even. Years from now, it's gonna be you and him and maybe some kids and then he'll be all right."

"Ron, we probably won't live long enough to even get married," I said sadly.

"You will," Ron said decidedly, as if he knew what was going to happen. "You're gonna live that long. You're both gonna go to college. You're gonna have kids. You're gonna get married. You'll have two sons and a daughter, and you're gonna live in a little apartment in Manhattan where everyone goes to visit you."

"That got awfully detailed there towards the end," I raised an eyebrow, momentarily distracted from the more immediate issues. "All that stuff's pretty unlikely. Hey, your eyes are green!"

Ron blinked in surprise, and as he made his way to my bathroom mirror, he said, "It may be unlikely, but that's what's gonna happen. I know it." He stopped in front of the mirror. "That's weird. My eyes haven't done that before."

"They've turned green a couple of times," I shrugged. "They were green after that little stint with the Oracle, and they've been green a lot after you leave Trelawney's class. Draco says it's an environmental thing, it happens to loads of people." I frowned, suddenly remembering why Ron was in my room in the first place.

Ron frowned too, but he continued the conversation, moving to sit on my bed, "Well, my eyes sometimes change to different blues but I've never realized they were green sometimes, too."

"Draco's eyes are usually a really stormy gray, but sometimes they're almost black or even a really pale gray. I've even seen them blue once or twice," I shrugged. "I've also been informed that whenever I'm mad my eyes get darker."

Ron nodded, but he looked a little unsure about something. He shrugged it off by saying, "Well, I wish it had been at least a nice green. They look more like... like a poison green."

"They're going back to blue," I said. "And you're right. That was kind of a spooky green." I paused, staring at him. "My green is better."

Ron narrowed his eyes, "Even my nasty poison green is better than that." I knew this was a lie. Ron had praised the color of my eyes a good many times.

Still, he had insulted my honor.

"I'm trained to kill," I said, standing up and facing him.

"Are you sure? 'Cause it seems like you were trained to be an idiot."

I promptly tackled him.

He had been sitting on the bed, so falling backwards probably didn't hurt that much, but my elbow in his face definitely did. In his efforts to escape, he did manage to knee me in the stomach, so I trapped his legs with mine.

Have you ever had (or done this yourself, really) someone lean over you and dangle spit over your face? It was disgusting, and the most preferable way to prove superiority at camp (thanks to the lack of actual injuries).

Well, when I started doing that to Ron, he let out an unearthly screech.

This is the sight that Pansy Parkinson walked into. Me, straddling Ron on my bed (which would have been concern enough) and dangling a big wad of spit over his face as he screeched a screech that could rival a banshee's.

I'll give her credit. She didn't seem horrified (Cedric had walked in once and had caught a similar sight — one with a little less spit and a lot more Draco — and had immediately burst into tears), but she did look concerned.

"Do I need to tell Draco about this?" She asked, eyeing me and Ron. Ron had an embarrassed blush on his face, and muttered something about how this wasn't what it looked at.

"No, he insulted my honor," I said seriously, climbing off of him. "He deserved it. It was punishment."

Pansy eyed me weirdly, and I was suddenly reminded that I had very strange interactions with my friends, and that normal people wouldn't understand.

"....okay," Pansy nodded slowly, glancing between the two of us. "Draco left. I waited a few minutes before I came here."

The joking mood Ron had tried so carefully to build up shattered in that moment. We shared a glance, sobering up.

"Well," I said, "we should get going, then."

None of us made a move to leave. Ron sighed and looked down, standing and grabbing the Invisibility Cloak from where he'd sat it at my desk. He looked back at us, "Come on. It's time to save your Wise Boy."

My eyes were once the color of Percy's eyes. Have your eyes been any interesting colors? You know, I feel like I've asked that question before. Usually my eyes are just a sad blue. Also, have you guys ever had someone lean over you and dangle spit over your head, or is that just me? My sister Emblem does that a lot. She's actually driving me and Kadee home right now. Idk why I'm talking about my day this chapter isn't gonna be posted for a while. Idk. I think I've found a way to introduce Nugget better into the story, but it'll be a bit, and he won't show up much in this book. Someone recommended a very good way for Percy to kidnap him, which I liked very much, but I thought him getting the niffler after trauma, and not having to kidnap him at all, would be very sweet. Also, I love you all so very much. Recently my first story, The Mirror of Erised, hit some pretty high rankings (it's not the same rankings anymore, but they're still pretty good). #2 in crossover, #2 in percyjackson, #6 in philosophersstone, and #4 in harrypotter. That's crazy dudes. Since the time it hit those rankings, it's gone up over 2k reads. Freaking wild. I love you guys. It's at 85.8k reads rn. I think we're gonna hit 100k by the end of the year. So, thanks to those of you who have stuck it out this far, and I really, really do appreciate you.

Anyway, I hope you guys have had an awesome Saturday, and I'll see you on Monday CT. Love ya!

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