133) https://youtube.com/shorts/1QSGJ6A8LS0?feature=share

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I really shouldn't have been surprised to see Harry and Cedric in trouble. Mostly Harry, I suppose.

Harry was dangling twelve feet above the ground in the legs of a giant spider (Draco would have fainted at the sight of it), and there was a shiny red substance on his leg that didn't take me long to figure out was blood.

Cedric was cursing at the spider, and was also casting curses on it, but nothing seemed to work, because it was either too big, too magical, or too hairy (possibly all of the above).

"What's up Spider-Manwhore?" I called, walking up to the spider and holding up my sword. "J. Jonah Jameson here, reporting on this shocking new menace in our lovely city — Spider-Bitch." The spider clicked repeatedly in something akin to anger, and Cedric abruptly shooting it in the face with the disarming spell probably didn't help. Harry fell to the ground, and I rushed the spider, stabbing it in its great hairy head. It collapsed downwards.

"Harry?" Cedric called. "You all right? Did it fall on you?"

"No," Harry called back, and I kneeled beside him. I tore off the edge of his shirt and tied it around the gash on his leg, quietly berating him for getting into a fight. Harry was looking up at something behind me. "Take it, then." I looked up in confusion, and my eyes widened in surprise. The Triwizard Cup was sitting feet behind Cedric. How I hadn't noticed it before, I had no idea. But there it was, in all it's glowing glory. "Go on, take it. You're there."

Cedric didn't move. He looked from me and Harry to the cup, then back to us. He took a deep breath, "You take it. You two should win. That's twice you've saved my neck in here."

"That's not how it's supposed to work," Harry said bitterly, but I smiled at Cedric. He smiled gently back at me. "The one who reaches the cup first gets the points. That's you. I'm telling you, I'm not going to win any races on this leg."

Cedric took a few paces towards us, "No."

"Stop being noble," Harry snapped. "Just take it, then we can get out of here."

"You told me about the dragons," Cedric said, watching Harry stand and lean against the hedges for support. "I would've gone down in the first task if you hadn't told me what was coming."

"I had help on that too," Harry said, grimacing in pain. "You helped me with the egg — we're square."

"I had help on the egg in the first place," Cedric said. "I got to stalk Percy."

"We're still square," Harry put pressure on his leg, which shook as he stood on it.

"You should've got more points on the second task," Cedric said slowly. "You stayed behind to get all the hostages. I should've done that."

"I was the only one who was thick enough to take that song seriously!" Harry groaned. "Just take the cup!"

"No," Cedric said, stepping over the spider's legs and stopping beside us. "Go on."

I stared at the Triwizard Cup. Who deserved it more? Cedric, who would have reached it fair and square, or Harry, who helped Cedric get this far? The simple fact was that if it weren't for the other, neither could make it to the end. So, there was only one simple and fair solution.

"Together," I said.

"What?" Harry and Cedric said at the same time.

"You two can take it at the same time," I said. "If you touch it at the same time, you both win, and it's still a Hogwarts victory, is it not? You'll tie."

Cedric and Harry shared a look, then turned back to me. Cedric started, "You won, didn't you?"

"No?" I frowned in confusion.

"We both cheated," Harry said. "You're the only one who didn't. You deserve to win."

"Well, I actually got here last out of the three of us, so it doesn't matter if I cheated or not, does it?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You killed the spider," Cedric pointed out. "And you didn't even struggle with it. What even held you up, anyway? Didn't you and Harry stick together after we last saw each other?"

"A Sphinx made me answer a riddle knowing fully well I can barely spell," I shrugged. "But it doesn't matter how that I got held up. I still got held up. If it weren't for the spider, I wouldn't have even seen that Cup."

"If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have been able to win," Harry shrugged.

"How about we all do it together," Cedric said. "I know you and Harry had some weird deal going on, anyway. And plus — you're a Hogwarts student as well. And a Hufflepuff. And just because you fought with a sword instead of a wand doesn't mean you're not one of us. So you're gonna win with us."

I smiled, "You sure?"

"We're sure," Harry and Cedric said.

Cedric and I helped Harry limp to the Cup.

"On three, right?" I looked up at the two of them and they nodded. "One — two — three —" We grasped the handles.

Immediately, I felt a jerk from somewhere behind my nose. My feet left the ground, and I couldn't let go of the Cup. It pulled me along in a rush of wind and a blend of colors, Harry and Cedric at my side.

Hoped you liked the video. I don't even remember what the video was. Please tell me. I'm listening to Twisted Sister right now, a pretty good band, but I don't normally specifically listen to them. My dad came in and was like wow this was my times music pretty good songs I like the songs you listen to Caroline and I'm over here just like — hehe definitely not listening to this for a possible book I want to right heheheh. Nah the book is pretty heavily influenced by Twisted Sister songs and what happened with the PMRC and I'm tryna go with Footloose style. I think it could be good if I were any good. I'm working on it cause I'd like to submit something to the Wattys next year. This series comes first so I'll keep writing for it but right now I'm just setting a basic outline for what the chapters could contain and what style it'd be in so that it'll be easier in the future. Do you guys remember the murder we were solving in Chemistry? We solved it. It was the Bowling ball man. His last name was Bowling and he had an iron hammer. Idiot. We also started coming up with article ideas in Journalism. I'm not sure how well we're gonna do.

Anyway, I hope you guys have had a watermelony Wednesday (I love watermelon) and I'll see you on Friday CT. Love ya!

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