49) Ron is a Sad Fanboy

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Of course, we were the last ones there.

We pulled up in our loud, unnaturally fast school bus, the horn tooting to the beat of our camp song (it was a gruesome song). There was a large carriage on the grounds seated beside some of the biggest horses I had ever seen. In the lake, there was a massive boat, one that seemed almost ghostly. The delegates from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang had arrived.

"Damn, of course we were the last ones here," Luke sighed. We had picked up him, Hope, and Howie the night before, the three of them working as chaperones, even though Luke acted just like the rest of us (chaotic).

"Save the best for last," Hope said, her hand on her stomach. She was due in December. I couldn't help but smile at that.

We all filed out of the bus, wearing our 'uniforms'. Chiron had asked us to at least wear our camp shirts, so we did that. Tomorrow we would go back to wearing whatever we wanted.

The Hogwarts students were waiting outside for us, looking a little surprised. They'd heard a lot about camp, and I'm sure this wasn't what they were expecting.

Maybe it was because of Argus.

Draco was strangely distracted, staring at Argus like he was the only thing around.

"Hey, Argus," Draco said finally, and the man turned to him. "Can I... can I have one of your skittles?"

Argus looked pleasantly surprised, his hundreds of eyes beaming at Draco as he handed him the entire bag.

Draco made a choking sound in the back of his throat, smiling brightly. Maybe that was what surprised the Hogwarts students.

Draco put a skittle in his mouth, smiling softly at his feet. Then he frowned suddenly.

"When the fuck did we get outside?" He questioned out loud, looking around in amazement. I knew the feeling. Sometimes, it felt as if the universe were a big puzzle, and a piece fell out.

"ADHD, dude," Seamus said, patting Draco on the back. "It's a bummer."

"Yeah, it is," Draco pouted. "Did I miss the other schools going in?"

"We all missed it," Mr. D said, looking at his nails.

Chiron looked exasperated, but also mildly proud. He had been hoping for a good impression, something he knew he wouldn't get, and I'm sure most of us were doing well enough to make him proud.

Eventually we walked inside, all smiles and giggles. Everyone quieted down soon after though, some of us admiring the beauty of Hogwarts for the first time. Draco slipped his hand into mine, and I couldn't help but smile. Hogwarts would always be home to me, and having Draco with me for that was the best thing I could ask for.

The Great Hall was decorated, and we were all a little amazed when we saw it. Enormous banners hung from the walls, each representing a Hogwarts house: yellow with a black badger for Hufflepuff, green with a silver serpent for Slytherin, red with a gold lion for Gryffindor, and blue with a bronze eagle for Ravenclaw. Behind the teachers table sat the largest silk banner, which bore the Hogwarts coat of arms: lion, eagle, badger, and snake united around a large letter H.

We eventually sat at random tables, many of us sitting at our regular tables. I sat at Gryffindor for the moment, having been dragged there by Thalia, who had lost a bet and had to sit there with Luke, who didn't want to sit close to the Slytherins, because he hated most of them. Thalia just didn't want to listen to Luke complain. Anywho, the Beauxbatons lot did not look happy. Several of them still had scarves wrapped around their heads, strangely enough, even though it wasn't that cold.

The Durmstrang students were much happier. They wore blood red uniforms which looked extremely comfortable, and were staring up at the enchanted ceiling. Some students were examining the gold plates, seemingly impressed.

I was also often impressed by plates. And forks. And spoons.

Soon enough, Ron, Harry, and Hermione joined me at the Gryffindor table.

"Guys, this is Thalia," I said, motioning to her. "Thalia, this is Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter."

"I punched your sister," Thalia said, staring at Ron.

"What'd she do?" Ron asked.

"She wouldn't let me maim Percy."

"And what did Percy do?" Hermione asked.

"He maimed me."

The conversation couldn't continue, seeing as Ron had gotten distracted by Krum.

"Over here!" Ron hissed. "Come sit over here! Over here! Hermione, budge up, make a space—"


"Too late," Ron pouted (though he'd never admit it). The Durmstrang students had settled down at the Slytherin table. I could see Draco and Grover lean over to talk to Krum, and I'm sure that only made Ron even more mad. He wasn't a big fan of Draco, even if he knew he was acting. It was hard to like a person when you've only seen them being bad.

I understood that, but that doesn't mean I liked it.

For some reason I feel like I forgot to put something in this chapter and it's bugging me. I know it was meant to just kind of be a filler, but it still feels like somethings wrong with it. Big sad. Today we celebrated my uncle's birthday. His birthday was actually on St Patrick's Day, and we've always celebrated it then, so I'm not quite sure why we celebrated today. At his party they talked about politics and Cardi B, and, most notably, my little sister's basketball game. They kept talking about how she should have done better while playing against this other school, and while I know they were joking, I know it hurt her feelings. I also feel bad. I didn't get to watch the game, because I wasn't feeling so hot. I was gonna push through it, but I took a sip of Sprite and thought I was gonna throw it back up, so I took a nap in the car. Also, tomorrow I've got a dentists appointment. I hate the dentist. Due to bad genetics, I've always had bad luck with my teeth. By the time I lost my first tooth, I had caps on all of them. I remember getting freaked out cause there was a 4 carved into the cap. It spooked me, and I thought I was a robot. My dentist told me I was brushing my teeth too hard, then the time after that I was brushing them too softly. I'm hoping I'm brushing them okay now, but im a little worried. Oh! Two of my sisters got jobs! Sam started working at this tanning place, and I'm proud, cause I didn't actually think she'd get a job. And Emblem is working at a preschool, which is awesome. She loves kids.

Anyway, I hope you guys have had a wonderful Sunday, and I'll see you on Tuesday. Love ya!

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