43) I Win Ten Galleons For Doing The Opposite of What I was Told

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The next day before breakfast, Harry told us about the reply he sent to Sirius. He had told him he'd just imagined his scar hurting.

"Harry, you dumbass," I said, "don't lie to him. He can help, all right? You didn't imagine it, and he's going to know you've lied to him. You're just making things worse than they already are."

With that, I sped away from him, heading off to the Hufflepuff table.

I couldn't help but worry about Harry's scar hurting. I was reminded of how in our first year, it had hurt around Quirrell sometimes. Around Voldemort. And dreaming about Peter, and all of that stuff... it was a bad omen. I was suddenly reminded of something Draco had told me about in first year, something that hadn't really seemed important, just because I hadn't understood it. Something my eleven year old mind had elected to mostly ignore.

"Why can't we tell Harry that you're not evil?" I asked, not really understanding.

"Something I read," Draco said, frowning. "It's just... I don't want to risk him finding out."

"Him?" I questioned. "Do you mean Voldemort? How would Harry knowing about it get to Voldemort?"

"It's, uh..." Draco's frown grew more concerned than anything. "My dad has some pretty nasty books in the library. All sorts of terrible things, stuff that makes several of the books in the Forbidden Section look pretty. They, uh, depict some bad things. I was hiding from him one day, and found it. It mentioned something about Horcruxes.... Let's just say they're not pretty. I... I don't want to explain it. Let's just say if Harry found out, I think it'd find it's way back to Voldemort."

"But how can it get to Voldemort?" I shook my head. "He's dead, or banished, or scattered around like Kronos. How could it get to a man that's as gone as he is?"

"Like I said, Percy. Horcruxes."

I sighed. It didn't do me any good to be worrying about that then. I decided I'd go to Dumbledore. He'd be able to help.


It was hard to forget about my thoughts throughout the day, and I'm sure my friends noticed. They asked me several times if I was all right.

Thankfully, they were distracted by the recent difficulty that came with our classes. Particularly Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Much to our surprise, Moody announced that he would be putting us under the Imperius Curse. He wanted to demonstrate its power, and wanted to see if we could resist its effects.

"But — but you said it's illegal, Professor," Hermione said nervously as Moody cleated away the desks with a wave of his wand, leaving a large space in the middle of the room. "You said — to use it against another human was —"

"Dumbledore wants you taught what it feels like," Moody said, his magical eye swiveling to Hermione. "If you'd rather learn the hard way — when someone's putting it on you so they can control you completely — fine by me. You're excused. Off you go."

Hermione muttered something about that not meaning that she wanted to leave, but I grinned.

"So I can go?"

Moody turned to look at me, "Yes. If you really want to be unprepared for an attack —"

"Who says I'm unprepared?" I grinned. "And if Dumbledore wants us to be taught about this, I'd rather him do it himself."

I stood and grabbed my bag, then started towards the door of the classroom.

"Jackson," Moody growled, and I turned around. "If you really think you can handle it, why don't you go first?"

I smirked, "Well, if you really think I can't handle it, I'd love to embarrass you in front of everyone. Wanna make a wager? Ten Galleons that I'll beat the Curse, and take your wand."

"Ten Galleons you'll sing Barbie Girl while somersaulting around the room," Moody growled, pointing his wand at me.

He said the spell, and my mind was immediately filled with directions.

Sing Barbie Girl, the voice said. It was tempting. The rest of me was filled with bliss, complete happiness, and all that was left was that simple voice.

Somersault, the voice said, a little louder. I ignored it.

DO WHAT I SAY, NOW! The voice demanded, ordered.

I grinned, ignoring the voice and the bliss, snatching Moody's wand from him before he had time to react.

I pointed it back at Moody, and said, "I only sing Barbie Girl for Fluffy."

Moody genuinely did look impressed, "That was... impressive. Where did you learn to handle it so well?"

"A magician never reveals his secrets," I grinned, handing him his wand. "Now, I believe I'm owed ten Galleons."

Moody nodded, his eyes still glinting strangely, "I'll give them to you at the end of class. Now, if you'd take your seat."

"Yes, sir," I said, sitting back down.

In the time everyone else faced the curse, Dean Thomas had hopped three times around the room, singing that national anthem, Lavender Brown had imitated a squirrel, and Neville had done some astonishing gymnastics I knew he wasn't really capable of. No one seemed able to fight the curse, though I had seen Neville's eyes glint. He'd gotten closer than anybody so far, just in the fact that he had recognized something was wrong. Soon, I recognized a pattern. Draco, Terry Boot, Olive Moon, and Seamus all faced it, but their eyes glinted similarly. Draco even twitched.

Then it came to Harry's turn.

"Potter," Moody growled, "you next."

He moved to the middle of the classroom, and Moody said the incantation. I watched Harry's eyes glint with recognition as he bent his legs.

He jumped strangely, in a way that would have made any demigod mad. I watched as he soared towards the desk... and slammed headlong into it, knocking it over and yelling in pain.

Hey guys, sorry this chapter is late. I've been really busy lately. It's the end of the first half of the semester, so I had a lot of work to do. There were also some stuff I did with my family, and I had to take my Excel certification. Anyway, earlier today I discovered this book. It's like... Scooby Doo. Different characters, but kind of the same idea. Four sleuths and a dog. Anyway, it's a horror book, and it's really good so far. I'm excited for them to get to the lovecraftian monsters I've hear about. If you guys like horror and don't mind a little mature content, you should check it out. It's called Meddling Kids, and it's by Edgar Cantero.

Anywho, I hope you have had a awesome time, and I'll see you on Sunday. Love ya!

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