50) We Talk About Demigod Stuff Because Harry Knows Nothing

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"Yeah, that's right, smarm up to him, Malfoy," Ron fumed, glaring at my boyfriend. "I bet Krum can see right through him, though... bet he gets people fawning over him all the time... Where d'you reckon they're going to sleep? We could offer him a space in our dormitory, Harry... I wouldn't mind giving him a bed, I could kip on a camp bed."

Hermione snorted, and I said, "They're going to stay on their boat, probably. They came in on the ship, right? Yeah, yeah. I know most of the campers are staying on the bus. I'm just gonna stay in my room. I didn't sleep with anyone at camp, anyway."

"Why didn't you stay with anyone at camp?" Harry asked.

"I'm the only half-blood child of Poseidon," I said, frowning slightly. "I stayed with my cyclops brother, Tyson, for a while, but he went to go work in the forges with our dad, so I'm back to being the only resident of cabin three."

"Does Poseidon just not have kids or something?" Harry questioned, and Ron grimaced. He knew the answer to that better than anyone (well, almost anyone).

"The Big Three aren't supposed to have kids, Harry," Ron explained, and I could see that Hermione was listening too. "They're too powerful. They affect the mortal world too much. There was also a prophecy. The prophecy states that a half-blood child of the eldest gods would reach sixteen, and Olympus would face possible destruction. The Big Three swore an oath not to have any children. So far, that oath has been broken twice. Once by Zeus when he had Thalia. Again by Poseidon when Percy was born."

Harry frowned, "But what does that mean for Percy and Thalia?"

"Oh, it means we get chased by monsters more often, half of the gods hate us, and you may or may not get turned into a tree," Thalia said.

"A tree?" Harry blinked, ignoring the rest of her sentence.

"Yeah," Thalia nodded. "When I was twelve, I got turned into a tree. Me, Draco Malfoy, and Luke and Liam Castellan, were found by a Satyr named Grover. Grover brought us to camp, but got lost along the way. We ended up running into some monsters just outside of camps borders. Grover, Draco, Luke, and Liam went into camp while I stayed behind. As I was dying, my dad turned me into a tree."

"Well, um, how are you... not a tree?" Harry asked nervously. "And who is Liam? And Malfoy just didn't help?"

"Draco couldn't help, he was seven," Thalia looked at Harry as if he were stupid. "Percy, Draco, and Tyson went on this quest that never happened, where they got the Golden Fleece to revive camp's borders after it had been poisoned. They placed the fleece on my tree, which was magically providing borders for camp, and the fleece worked its magic too well. I came back to the land of the living as a... however many year old girl I am."

Harry didn't miss how Thalia ignored his question about Liam, and sat in silence for a moment, before changing the subject, "The Durmstrang kids look a lot happier than the Beauxbatons lot."

We sat in awkward silence for a moment, watching Filch brought five chairs up to the head table, placing two on one side of Dumbledore's chair, and three on the other. There was a empty space beside one of the chairs on Dumbledore's first side.

"But there are only three extra people," Harry said. "Why's Filch putting out five chairs, who else is coming?"

"Eh?" Ron said, staring at Krum again.

"Well, I suppose the empty space is for Chiron," I shrugged. "He'll probably climb into his wheelchair. Another seat will be for Mr. D. Then there are two seats for the headmasters of the other schools — what are their names? And I'm not sure about the other two chairs."

"Professor Karkaroff and Madame Maxime," Hermione answered for me.


When all the students had entered, the staff walked in. They filled up the top table, filing into their seats, Dumbledore and the other school leaders last. It was strange seeing Mr. D up there, scowling at every student he saw. That wasn't weird for me, but what was weird was the fact he had a goblet of wine in his hand, instead of his usual Diet Coke.

What was also strange, was how when Madame Maxime showed up, all of the Beauxbatons students jumped up, and only sat down once their headmistress did.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and — most particularly — guests," Dumbledore said, beaming down at us. "I have great pleasure in welcoming you all to Hogwarts. I hope and trust that your stay here will be both comfortable and enjoyable."

One of the Beauxbatons girls who still had a scarf wrapped around her head let out what was unmistakably a derisive laugh.

"No one's making you stay," Hermione whispered, bristling.

I forced down a grin at Hermione's displeasure.

My sister got me a swim suit today. I wasn't expecting it, I thought it was hers. But no, it's mine. She also got me another shirt about sarcasm, which is awesome. So do you guys know Grant Gustin? I love him, he's cool. But in Glee he plays a guy named Sebastian Smythe, and I hate Sebastian with a fiery passion. He hurt my favorite character. Also, there's this duet he sang with Santana, and I used to think it was some romantic tension song, but no. Santana was confronting him and he's evil and I don't like Sebastian. But Santana... I love Santana. I'm glad she did her general badass thing in that episode, but like, a lot better. I love Santana, and I love her protecting my favorite baby. Oh, and I don't have any cavities! What a wonder! I do have to watch for my front teeth though. Since I was little, they've had these spots on them up at the top, and they're only now starting to worry my dentist. But I will continue to drink sugary drinks in spite of what Mr Tooth Man says.

Anyway, I hope you guys had a great Tuesday, and I'll see you on Thursday. Love ya!

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