69) The Egg Screamed - It Must Have Been Egg-scruciating

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"Everyone's cheering for you, Harry," I patted his back, and he smiled. "Well, almost everyone." It seemed that, like Ron, everyone had come to support Harry once they'd seen what he'd had to face. Everyone except for the Slytherins.

Charlie Weasley, Ron's older brother who worked with dragons, ran out to meet us, "You two are tied in first place with Krum!" Me and Harry smiled at each other again. "Listen, I've got to run, I've got to go and send Mum an owl, I swore I'd tell her what happened — but that was unbelievable! Oh yeah — and the told me to tell you two that you've got to hang around for a few more minutes.... Bagman wants a word, back in the champions' tent."

Ron told us he'd wait, so Harry and I walked back into the champions' tent.

Fleur, Cedric, and Krum were already in there.

"Good one, guys," Cedric said, grinning at us.

"And you," we said, grinning back.

"Well done, all of you!" Bagman said, bouncing happily into the tent. He looked personally pleased, as if he'd been the one to get passed a fire-breathing creature. "Now, just a quick few words. You've got a nice long break before the second task, which will take place at half past nine on February the twenty-fourth — but we're giving you something to think about in the meantime! If you look down at those golden eggs you're all holding, you will see that they open... see the hinges there? You need to solve the clue inside the egg — because it will tell you what the second task is, and enable you to prepare for it! All clear? Sure? Well, off you go, then!"

We left the tent and rejoined Ron, who had been waiting by the tent opening.

It was nice, being able to talk with the both of them at once. Hermione was great, really, but she was always so... high-strung. With Ron and Harry, I could joke around and shove them and just be an idiot in general. It was awesome. When they'd been mad at each other, there had been no joking, shoving, or being an idiot. It was terrible.

Then, seemingly just to ruin the good moment, Rita Skeeter jumped out of the trees in front of us.

"Bitch!" I shouted in shock. "What the Hades? My guy, you can't do that to people!"

"Congratulations, boys!" Rita said, ignoring me entirely. She beamed at us. "I wonder if you two could give me a quick word? How did it feel facing the dragon, and you Percy, how did it feel facing the Hydra? How you two feel now, about the fairness, or the unfairness, of the scoring."

"Yeah, you can have a word," I said, glaring. "Fuck off." We turned, quickly leaving her in the dust as we headed back to the castle. I shook my head. "Holy Hera, if a turtleneck were a person, it'd be her."


We split ways at the castle. I went to my room, ready to just chill out for a little bit. I also wanted to see what was in the egg.

When I got there, Draco was already waiting. He smiled at me, "Percy, that was awesome! Where'd you even have that idea!" Then he wrapped me in a engulfing hug. "That was also really terrifying! Don't do it again."

I laughed, hugging him back just as tightly.

We pulled away, and he smiled softly at me. I had to try very hard to not frown. Draco looked tired. Ever since he'd had that first nightmare, he'd been having trouble sleeping. Sometimes, he would just avoid sleeping entirely. He was paler than usual, and he had bags beneath his eyes. He'd clearly tried to cover them with makeup (Silena had finally taught him how to match skin tones by this point), but up this close, I could tell he wasn't doing all that good.

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