Chapter 1

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You've read about the world ending but never thought it would actually happen The day the world ended. The moment everything stopped. An apocalypse. It changes people. One day you're living an ordinary life just like everyone else and the next, the life you knew is gone. Now you're forced to fight to survive. Survival is everything.

The city was on fire. The very place where I had grown up was now unrecognizable. Screams and cries blurred with the loud sirens as the smoke filled the air. Chaos. Everything was in ruins. The world had finally ended.

I stood in shock as I watched helicopters fly over the city and drop bombs down on the streets below. Survivors who had made it out in time stood behind me. Many sobbing as they knew their loved ones were now gone.

It had been almost three days since Rick and the others had left Jim leaned up against a tree on the side of the road. By now the infection from the walker who had bit him was effecting his senses. His vision was distorted and had grown critically worse. He could barely make out the view before him. Every breath felt like a knife stabbing him in the chest and every small movement sent a wave of pain throughout his body. Jim could barely hear the birds chirping above him in the tree or feel the warm sunlight on his skin.

Two trucks could be heard off in the distance down the road. For a split second a spark of hope filled Jim. There are other survivors? Jim thought. But he quickly dismissed the thought, thinking back to his hallucinations as his small smile faded. He tilted his head back against the bark of the tree and looked up at the sunlight shinning through the canopy of leaves above. Then he closed his eyes and thought about meeting his family once again.

Once the truck was in park, I ran up the hill and kneeled down in front of the man I had spotted from afar. He slowly opened his eyes when I had shook him slightly and looked at me as I shouted out for help, but it was just slurred speech to his ears. I waved a hand in front of his eyes to see if he was elusive. His eyes didn't move at first, but instead were fixed right at me. He stared blankly at me for some time. Then he looked up into my eyes and I smiled in relief.

I reached out as I gently touched a hand to his face while looking him over. His skin was pale and he looked very weak and very dehydrated.

"Hello? Can you hear me? What's your name?" I asked, trying to keep him alert.

"J-Jim" He muttered.

Everything was a blur to Jim, but he could just barely make out the person before him. The young woman looked around mid-twenties with long dark raven hair. She wore a dark crimson baseball hat that shadowed her face with a casual dark grey shirt and dark blue jeans.

When I saw him slowly fade into unconsciousness, I took him in my arms and pulled him away from the tree. I gently laid him down on the soft grass a few feet away the tree on the side of the hill. Sitting down on the soft ground, I cradled his head in my arms while I made sure he was still breathing. I called out to the others who were still down at the bottom of the hill near the vehicles.

"Hurry up!"

The others from my group grabbed some things from the vehicles and ran up the hill, catching up to where I wa. They set the supplies down and took a step back from Jim to let someone through. Eagerly they stood by while they watched a young blonde woman approach. It was Alison Wilson. Alison was a nurse in training while attending a class at a University before everything went into chaos. Alison kneeled down next to Jim and quickly looked him over.

"Is he bit?" She asked.

"I don't know..." I nervouslty replied in a panic. "He just said his name was Jim."

Getting no help by my answer, Alison sighed and got to work quickly, grabbing the medical bag and pulling out a sharp knife. I watched closely while I folded my arms across my chest and waited in anticipation as she took the blade of the knife and began to cut off his shirt. She stopped when she discovered the wrapping around his waist and let out a frustrated sigh,dropping the knife in the grass.

"Damn it. If we're going to do this, it has to be now."

A man approached and looked over her shoulder to get a better look at what was going on. He was about medium height with dark brown hair. He wore blue jeans and a dark grey short sleeve shirt. When he laid eyes on the wound, he reached over and stopped Alison from proceeding to examine him.

"Wait," he said. "We don't know how long he's been exposed. What if it's too late?"

Alison turned around behind her to give the man a sharp look, not wanting to deal with his dilemmas at the moment. It was a tough decision and being that she was the only one who was a medic, she got to make the calls. She only hoped she didn't make the wrong one.

"Let's move him!" She ordered, packing up her gear. The man who had stopped her before now stood in her way when she turned around to help the team. He was glaring at her with an angry glint in his eyes.

"We need to move him now," She explained. "We take the precautions we can and worry about the rest later. Let's go, John."

So the group carefully picked up Jim and carried him down the hillside to the truck. They placed him in the bed of the truck while I jumped up in the back with him. I sat down on the floor of the back of the truck beside the unconsious victim. Two others jumped up in the bed of the truck with me and stood on guard with loaded weapons in case anything went wrong during the drive.

We sped down the abandoned road. A few minutes later the truck took a right and turned down onto a narrow dirt road through a thick forest with tall trees looming overhead above. The truck came to a stop just as the sun was no longer visible on the horizon. A few yards ahead behind tall wired steel fenced wall was a huge building. It looked like a college or a mansion. The brick walls on the outside were worn and cracked, possibly from being attacked by military or walkers.

"I don't know if he's going to make it." I called out.

With little light left, I hopped down from the back of the truck and helped the team rush him inside the building. Frantic voices echoed through the corridors on the inside of the place as we raced to save him. Quickly we rushed him into a room and placed him gently down on a table.

"Where's the meds?" a man called out, entering the room.

The patient faded in and out of conscious while the group worked. One person strapped his hands while another chained his feet to the table. Then another person took a bite guard mask and placed it over his face.

Once everything was secure, a man dressed in a military uniform stepped into the room with two assistants. It was Bryan. Bryan Slater was an ex-military medic who served in the army until the world ended. One assistant turned on a bright overhead light while the other grabbed some strange looking tools.

"Okay, knock him out but keep him alive." Bryan ordered one assistant.

While everyone else cleared the room, I turned back and ran over to the man on the table and looked down at him. I took his hand in mine and held it tightly. An assistant stepped up beside me and injected the anesthesia. Bryan wasted no more time once the medicine had been injected as he quickly gathered his tools.

"Stay with us, all right?" I quickly whispered.

I looked into his eyes and watched the light in his eyes slowly fade. Once the patient was out,Bryan then ordered me to leave but before I did I gave him a meaningful glare.

"Don't lose him." I said in a low growl.

He gave me a firm nod before I released the patient's hand and strode past him out into the hallway.

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