Chapter 4

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That night after dinner, I couldn't help but ponder on Jim's words while we returned to the room for the night. I wasn't on guard duty that night so I had the night off to relax in my room and keep Jim company, or rather him keep me company. I was only too overjoyed to finally not be alone anymore.

I had very little friends due to my shy and insecure personality and was also quick to get on some of their badsides. So I had a lot of enemies around the fort. It wasn't because I was arrogant or cruel,but rather because I was defiant to the commanders orders and often rebelled which would often cause me to end up in the brig as punishment. Alison one day came to my aid after being locked up for refusing to kill someone.

Around midnight,while Jim and I were fast asleep, the fort alarms went blaring off and we both woke with a startle. I quickly jumped out of bed and slipped on my combat boots, grabbed my hat and put on my jacket before I grabbed my gun near the foot of the bed. Jim quickly scurried out of bed also and put on his jacket before he followed me to the door. I halted in front of the door before turning back to look at him.

"Go and grab my backpack from the storage room." I ordered. "I have to help the others."

I went to open the door and charge down the hall,but Jim grabbed my arm. I looked over to him and saw the same terrfified look on his face when he was chained on the table.

"Don't leave me." He pleaded softly.

He looked into my eyes with a soft gentle, pleading gaze like a puppy. He went on to say about how we needed to stay together. But time was being wasted as I shoved him forward down the hall and repeated my order.

"I'll meet you out back!" I called to him before turning and running down the hall in the opposite direction.

I went on to meet up with the others to see what had set the alarms off. It was walkers. A whole pack of walkers suddenly came out of the woods and began attacking the fort walls. As if things couldn't get worse, a lightning storm erupted and knocked out the fort's power. Now it was dark and the defense systems were down. Adrenaline rushed through my veins as I quickly took in the scene around me. We were outnumbered.

I joined in the fight shooting down every walker I could get in the head and knocking them dead for good. A young man with dark short hair and a thin beard stood next to me a few yards away and the second I tore my gaze away to look at him, a walker came out of the woods beside him,clamped two hands down on his shoulders and chomped down on his neck with its teeth. The poor young man let out a yell as he fell to the ground crying out for me to help him as the walker lay ontop of him. I ran over and shot the walker in the head,kicking it off the victim. I kneeled down beside the injured man and  pressed my hands to the wound on his neck to try and stop the bleeding only to discover it was too late. The Walker had tore his jugular clean to shreds. Crimson red blood flowed from the sargents neck wound as it covered my trembling hands. I watched the light fade from the young man's eyes as his breathing slowed to a halt. Not wanting to waste any more time I left the deceased man and ran back through the fort to meet up with Jim outback behind the fort.

It was difficult to see as the rain poured down and the darkness blurred my vision. When I didn't find him straight away I panicked even more.

"Jim!" I shouted. No answer.

Lightning struck as it was quickly followed by a loud roar of thunder. I jumped slightly at every sound in fear that walkers had surrounded the perimeter of the fort. I needed to find Jim fast.

Just when I was about to give up and run off into the woods, a hand grabbed my forearm. Thinking it was a walker I let out a yell as I swiftly turned and aimed my gun to my attacker.

"Whoa! Whoa! It's me! Don't shoot!" shouted a voice.

I was very glad in that moment that I hesitated to pull the trigger only to find it wasn't a reanimated corpse attacking me. It was Jim.  I was overjoyed to see his face even if he stared wide-eyed at me with my gun still aimed at his head. Jim sighed in relief as I slowly lowered the gun and took my hand off the trigger while apologizing to him.

"This way," He ordered.

I didn't hesitate to follow him as he dashed off deeper into the woods. That night I didn't look back.

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