Chapter 5

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The rain had stopped just as the sun peaked over the horizon. Jim and I had managed to wander through the woods all night until we finally reached the clearing. We came across an open field and crossed it just as the sun rose over the hills a few yard off. The tall green grass danced in the cool light breeze as I trudged through the sea of green carrying my backpack. As we reached the end of the field we came across a small road. Seeing as how we didn't have a map and had no idea what direction to go in, I looked up and down the road to see if I could see any hints before I shrugged and I looked over to Jim.

"I think we should go that way." He said, pointing up the road. I just nodded in agreement, trusting him before I followed his lead.

Around late afternoon when the sun was shinning up high in the clear sky we managed to reach a turn off onto a narrow dirt road. We stopped and took a break near the cross paths. My feet were sore from walking and my throat was dry as a bone but I tried my best not to show it. I squinted as I turned back to look at Jim to see if he thought we should continue or venture down this new path. Jim looked at me with concern and narrowed his eyes as he thought. Then he smiled and removed his baseball hat from his head before he placed it firmly on top of mine.

"There." he laughed. "Now you can see better."

It was a little big for me as the bill of the hat fell down over my eyes. After managing to get the hat to stay, Jim took lead as he decided it was best to go down the narrow dirt path.

"Might be a place we can stay for a while and rest."

So we continued on down the new road. My boots dragged and kicked up dirt which didn't help my already sore feet. I was tired and hungry and I was pretty sure I wasn't the only one. I was surprised to see that after an hour long hike down the path a small wooden log cabin became visible. I sighed in relief as my eyes fell on the cabin.

Jim and I cleared the inside of cabin and made sure it was safe and secure. Then I went and barricaded the front door and covered the windows with blankets and covers for when night fell. While I was setting up I heard Jim holler from in the next room. Thinking he was in danger, I grabbed my gun and ran to see what was going on. I found him in the kitchen with a wide smile on his face.

"Look what I found." he said, pointing to a cabinet shelf.

I sighed and hit him on the shoulder as I walked over to see what it was.

On the top shelf was a pile of assorted canned foods and other goods. I hadn't seen so much food in a long time. I was overly excited. It was like finding a hundred dollars on the ground.

Jim and I took turns keeping watch while the other slept during the day since the light help the visibility. Jim took first watch, but it was difficult for me to sleep with my mind constantly worrying and being in a strange house so I crawled over near Jim and curled up next to him on the couch. For some reason it helped knowing he was there. I felt safe.

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