Chapter 3

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A few weeks had passed by and now Jim was released from isolation. Bryan didn't trust him with a room to himself without always having a guard on him so I suggested that Jim move in to my room. Each room had two beds so more than one person could share a room. Bryan didn't like this being he still didn't trust Jim, let alone with me, but I told him I could take care of myself.

I got new clothes for Jim from the storage room and showed him around the fort. Regardless of Commander Bryan's efforts of getting Jim to carry a firearm, I informed Jim to take it easy until he felt comfortable. For a while he would barely leave his room only to eat and shower. I made sure no one around bothered him and tried my best to keep Bryan away even though he was becoming more ruthless and aggravated with me being so protective of Jim.

Poor Jim was a frightened little sheep who was misplaced with a pack of wolves. Luckily I wasn't like the others and showed a kinder side than my fellow commrades.

Somehow I managed to get Jim to agree to take a walk with me one afternoon on a stroll around the grounds. Bryan demanded that we stayed within the perimeters and ordered two guards to keep an eye on us from the tower. He was always over cautious about new things and was still unsure about Jim even after we had saved his life.

I waited outside Jim's room and luckily didn't have to wait long before the door opened and he stepped out. I could tell by the look on his face just how nervous he was about leaving his room.

"Hey, you don't have to do this, Jim." I said, placing a hand on his shoulder and looking directly into his eyes. "It's your choice."

He gave a little nod and cleared his throat before putting on the jacket I had handed him. Even though the sun shinned bright outside it was still winter time with a light chilling breeze. I led the way down the corridor and out onto the grounds. I looked over to Jim to see him squint as he walked out into the sunlight. It took a while for his eyes to adjust from being cooped up inside for so long.

We walked side by side for a while and made our way around to the edge of the woods. The trees lightly swayed in the breeze as I gave a small shiver. The fall leaves crunched beneath my black combat boots as I walked.

"Do you think my friends are still alive?" Jim asked suddenly.

I stopped walking and looked over at him. Jim had told me about what he had been through with the last group and hoped that he would find them.

"From the stories you've told me, they got to be."

Jim glanced down at the ground before looking up at me with a small smile.

"Thank you...for all you've done. It means a lot and about what I said earlier I'm sorry; I really do appreciate you caring. It's just been tough these past few weeks."

I nodded understandingly while we continued on walking. I reached over and placed my arm over his shoulder, pulling him closer.

"Hey it's okay. You're alive, Jim. So am I. We've survived this long.  Don't worry, we'll find your friends even if it means breaking every single one of Bryan's stupid rules."

Jim gave a small smile at my words and I could tell it made him happy. It even made me happy. We continued to talk about random things like the scenery and we joked about Bryan to help keep our minds off the chaos while we walked around the grounds.

Dusk came quickly and soon we headed back to the fort for dinner. But just when we were about to reach the entrance door Jim stopped me suddenly and glanced over to the tower  to make sure the two guards weren't watching us. When he saw their backs were turned he then pulled me close and leaned over to me before he whispered in my ear.

"It's not safe here."

I didn't reply, but instead just looked at him confused as he walked past me into the fort. I pondered on what he meant throughout dinner while avoiding his gaze as I sat across the table from him.

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