Chapter 2

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I anxiously paced back and forth as I waited outside the room in the hallway. One of my team mates, Alison, had decided to wait with me. She explained she wanted to keep a look out on the patient, but I knew she was lying. She was there for me. I hadn't made many friends ever since I joined the group,but Alison had always been there for me.

Hours passed by and soon day gave away to night. I nervously glanced out the window to see it was pitch black outside. I didn't leave my spot as Alison went and brought dinner to me from the kitchen while we waited.

"Any news?" She asked.

I just shook my head no and sat down in the small wooden chair before eating my meal. My eyes were locked on the door as I ate in the hall way outside the door.

Finally around midnight the door to the operating room opened as Bryan emerged and I jumped to my feet. I immediately took in the amount of blood on his clothes and the exhausted look on his face. The worst thought had crossed my mind.

"Well?" Alison asked impatiently.

Bryan took a deep breath and sighed before answering. I flashed a worried look over to Alison as she gripped my hand tightly.

"It's critical. Right now he's sedated,but we won't know for a few days. We'll have to have him monitored until he wakes up."

He gave a small shrug of his shoulders before excusing himself from the conversation and walking off down the hall. Eager to go in, I had to contain my excitement as I held myself back and peered into the room from through the small glass window on the door.

As the week progressed, we each took shifts watching the patient. When Friday came around I was only too keen to take up my post later that night. While I was on watch, sitting in my chair in the corner with my gun, something drew my attention. Muffled groans were coming from the patient on the table and I immediately jumped up from my seat, grabbed my gun, and called for help.

"Bryan! He's waking up!" I yelled out into the hall.

I kept my eyes on the person as I watched them thrash and claw to escape from the chains strapping him to the table. Bryan ran into the room with five others following closely behind him. He grabbed a flashlight and shinned it in the patient's eyes. He thoroughly looked him over before signaling one of his men to remove the biting restraint. Carefully the mask was removed as Bryan stepped forward.

"Hello, my name is Bryan. Do you know who you are?" he asked.

The patient nodded and looked around. His eyes stopped when he spotted me and I could see how frightened he was.

"M-my name's J-Jim. It's Jim." he stammered.

Everyone looked at each other in amazement. Bryan strode over to a table and grabbed a video camera and handed it to a young man who started filming the scene. Bryan continued with asking Jim questions to which Jim replied normally if not perfect.

"Why am I tied up? Can you please untie me?" Jim cried out.

I stepped forward and stood next to him. I tried to calm him down the best I could.

"I remember you..." He said when he saw me.

I nodded and gave a small smile as Jim tried his best to reach out to me and take my hand. Bryan and the others yelled out in objection, but I didn't pull my hand away. When I looked into Jim's eyes I didn't see death. I saw life. He wasn't dangerous.

Bryan and the others agreed to have Jim kept in quarantine and monitored for a few more days until he was stabilized. So they took him and locked him up in the spare storage room. They didn't want to risk anything seeing how this could be a huge breakthrough for them and possibly any other survivors. I couldn't help but worry about Jim. He was constantly on my mind. I spent most of my time, when I wasn't working or helping out the group, by his side just sitting outside his room door. Sometimes it would be very quiet while other days I could hear screaming and wailing coming from the other side of the door.

After a few days, I negotiated with Bryan to grant me access to Jim's room so I could help answer some of his questions and to keep him company. I was rather surprised when he granted my request being how cautious about this whole dilemma with the experiement. I walked down the hall to Jim's room,but hesitated just outside his door. Finally I managed to gather enough courage and enter the room. I unlocked the door and walked in,looking around the vast room. I spotted Jim a few seconds later,sitting at the foot of his bed on the cold cement floor with bare feet. I walked over and took a seat in a chair. There was a long pause of awkward silence. He was wearing a short sleeve black t-shirt and a pair of dark beige cargo pants.

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel better than before. I feel normal." he answered.

Jim lifted up his shirt and lightly ran a hand over the fresh scar where he had been bitten by the walker when the camp was attacked.

"How is this possible?" he asked. "How am I here? I should have turned by now..."

I leaned forward and sat at the edge of my seat as I looked directly across the room at Jim. I then went on to tell him the story about everything that had happened.

"Are you familiar with the virus?" I asked. Jim nodded and I proceeded with the explanation. 

"Well before everything went to hell,scientists created a new type of counter virus. This virus was called the Reverse System or RS19. This was able to reverse the affects from a bitten victim and make them better before its too late."

"So why me?"

"Well Alison noticed you were bit and you were our last hope, Jim." 

"You used me as a test subject?"

"Yes, you were the only one who survived." I sighed. "You provided that the formula worked! We just had to tweak it a bit."

 Then I proceeded to tell how Bryan had stumbled upon a group of scientist while he was on his return from his station in London after the virus broke out. It had taken years to even get a hint that it was possible for a cure to this disaster. Now they had instead focused on a small task of stopping the infection from turning victims.

After getting Jim up to date on the situation watched him for a reaction. But all he said was...

"I should be dead."

I got up from my chair, strode over, and kneeled down in front of him. I stared at him trying to read his expression to see if I could figure out what was bothering him.

"You're not. You're alive. And I'm glad."

Jim sharply looked up and glared at me. His eyes narrowed as he furrowed his brow.

"Why do you care?" He snapped. " I barely know you."

I dropped my gaze and shrugged my shoulders.

"Maybe I just wanted to show others there's still kindness in the world. I don't know." I admitted. "I'm tired of people turning on one another and fighting over careless things. I'm sick of the cruelness that has corrupted humanity. The last thing we need right now is to turn on one another when what we really need is each other."

I stood and looked down at Jim with a pleading gleam in my eyes. I had hoped my message would help persuade him. Jim glanced up at me and our eyes met briefly before he looked away.

Seeing how he was still trying to comprehend the entire deal, I decided to leave him alone for a while. I strode over to the door but I hesitated just as I remembered something.

"I'll leave some food by the door if you want it." I added, looking back at him.

I opened the door as I turned to walk out of the room but something made me stop.

"Thank you." Jim said.

I looked back at him and gave a nod. I took my leave and returned a few minutes later with a plate of food from dinner and some water. Jim seemed more relaxed when I came around on my second visit and it seemed that the more I visited the more stable he became.

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