Rick to the rescue

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Late one afternoon, while the group was working around camp, a van approached. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up to see the Van come up to the group and park. Rick, me, and others went over to check it out.

We surrounded the vehicle with our weapons locked and loaded. The people in the van slowly got out and raised their hands for us to see. There were at least five large mean looking biker men standing in front of the vehicle.

"Hey we're just looking for refuge." said one of the men.

He must have been the leader with a grey beard and dark grey hair. He wore a dark black biker's vest and jeans.

"Yeah, well there's none here. Move along." Rick stated, aiming his pistol at them.

The leader looked from Rick to his group before nodding in agreement.

"Alright, Fine." He said. "But could we at least get some food? We've run low."

Rick nodded in acknowledgement. So Daryl and I helped carry some food to the van, but when I reached the trunk one of the men grabbed me and tossed me in the back of the van. Another man began to shoot at Rick and the other to try and back them off as the driver sped off, stirring up a thick cloud of dust. Rick lifted his gun, shooting at the van through the dust.

Rick tried to run after them, but it was too late. They were gone. I was gone. But Rick wasn't about to just give up that easily. So he gathered up a small group to help him go after the people who just kidnapped me before quickly getting in a car and speeding off down the road after them.

On the main road the group that had kidnapped me stripped me of my weapons before deciding what to do with me. After driving for about half an hour down the road, the leader finally ordered the others to just open the door and toss me out. So one guy opened the door while the van continued speeding down the road and another picked me up by the back of my neck. He pinned my hands behind my back as he smirked and shoved me out the door. Once the man released my hands I covered my head and braced for impact. I hit the burning hot asphalt with a grunt and heard a loud crack in my arm. I rolled for a few seconds before coming to a complete stop near the side of the road. There was a loud ringing in my ears as I groaned and lay on my back in the road with the upper part of my body lying on soft green grass.

A few minutes later, Rick and the others spotted me as their car pulled up a few feet away from where I was. Rick Immediately jumped out of the car and ran to my side. Everything was a blur as I saw people crowd around me and could hear a clamor of voices. I winced in pain as I blinked and tried to refocus my vision.

"Morgan? Hey, it's me." said a familiar voice.

I looked over to my left to see a small boy with dark brown hair underneath a sheriff's hat kneeled down beside me.

"Carl?" I asked, straining my voice.

He nodded and looked from me over to his dad. I could barely spot Rick as he stood out in the road, looking up and down the road as he cursed and rampaged on about what had happened.

"Where'd they go? I'm gonna pound their faces in for what they did! I'll hunt them down and-"

Seeing him with his hands on his hips as he looked around made me worry so I sat up the best I could ,propping myself up in my elbows, even though Carl insisted for me not to move. I could barely move and every breath caused my entire body to ache in pain but I shoved it aside for the moment.

"Rick!" I cried out in a hoarse voice.

He turned to look back at me. Rick ran over when he heard my voice and took Carl's place, kneeling down beside me. He lightly placed a hand on my head as he looked me in the eyes. I could see in his eyes how relieved he was to find me alive.

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