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After I gathered myself, I decided it was best just to stay out of Jim's way for a while. So I lowered my head and ran back to my cabin with tears streaming down my cheeks as Rick shouted out after me. Tears continued to stream down my face as I shoved the front door open to the cabin and ran up the stairs to my room. I slammed my room door behind me and locked it before crawling into my bed and under the covers; curling into a ball as I sobbed. I wasn't sure what had happened or how I could have hurt Jim, but I knew I did. And he blamed me for it.

I still couldn't comprehend what had happened all of a sudden or how to deal with it. I cried myself to sleep and whenever I woke up  I would immediately recall the scene in my mind of Jim yelling at me. I would remember seeing the rage in his eyes and hearing the loud tone in his voice as he shouted. Then I would cry more until eventually I would run out of tears and couldn't cry even if I wanted to.

Rick escorted Jim back to his cabin. Once inside, Rick stopped him and placed a gently hand on   Jim's shoulder,looking him directly in the eye.

"Hey, Jim, why don't you go and take a warm shower? Maybe clear your head, alright? It'll help you calm down. Yeah?" He suggested. Jim lowered his head and silently nodded before heading down the hall. Carol quietly entered the cabin just as Jim turned the corner to head upstairs to the shower.

"I should go check on her." Rick whispered to Carol while Jim was gone upstairs showering. Carol nodded and folded her arms across her chest. She reassured Rick that she could deal with Jim while he was gone.

"If anything happens, just yell. I'll just be right next door,okay?"

After Rick had left, Jim walked into the room a few minutes later with a new shirt on and jeans. Carol walked over to him and looked him over.

"Better?" She asked.

He gave a small nod and sighed heavily. Jim then lowered his head while he slowly reached up with one hand and covered his eyes as he began to cry again. Carol tried her best to console him.

I heard the sound of heavy boots climb up the stairs and down the hall before stopping at my door. Rick reached for the handle only to find the door unlocked as he let himself into the room. I lifted my head to see who it was but after seeing Rick enter the room I just laid my head back down and sighed. Rick closed the door behind him as he walked over to the bed and sat down beside me.

"How you holding up?" He asked.

I just bit my lower lip and gave a small nod.

"I don't want him to hate me, Rick. I don't want to lose him. He's all I have." I whimpered.

Rick looked down at me and gently placed a hand on my shoulder. His touch made me cringe slightly as I closed my eyes and buried my head in my arms.

"Look,no one is blaming anyone here. What happened...that's not your fault."

My eyes snapped open as I sat up and shoved his hand off me.

"Did you hear what he said, Rick?! Did you hear him? 'It's your fault! It's all her fault!'. He shouted,pointing to me. He pointed to me! Not you! Me!"

Rick tried to reach up to me but I jerked my head away. Sighing,the sheriff stood up and lowered his head.

"Alright." He said,"Guess it's up to me to try and sort this out."

He strode over to the door before stopping and looking back at me.

"Don't do anything reckless while I'm gone, okay?"

I watched Rick as he stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him. I still sat upright on the bed with my legs crossed. Once I heard his footsteps recede and fade completely, I slowly fell back down on the bed with my head lightly hitting the pillow. I pulled the covers over me as I closed my eyes and tried to sleep off all the stress.

On the third day of not leaving my room, I heard a light knock outside my bedroom door. My gaze didn't even budge at the sudden noise as I sat on the edge of the bed, staring blankly at my feet. My arms were wrapped around my knees, holding them against my chest while I rested my chin on my knee.

"Hey, it's Carol." Came a voice from the other side of the door. "Can I come in?"

I didn't reply. My toes curled around the edge of the bed when she spoke. The guilt hit me like a wave from hearing her voice as I thought of Jim. I felt my sore throat tighten and my eyes burn from the tears that wouldn't come. I wanted to break down again and cry, but my body wouldn't let me.

"No one's seen you in days. You haven't eaten anything. Morgan,please let me in."

I buried my head in my arms and shut my eyes closed. I just wanted her to leave. I just wanted to be left alone.

Carol sighed and pressed a gentle hand against the face of the door.

"Morgan, please," She begged. "He's more upset with himself for what he did. It's not your fault. He just lost it. You should understand how hard it is to lose anything nowadays."

I lifted my head when she assured me it wasn't my fault. I let out a small sniffle and a whimper before getting up and slowly walking over to the door. My hand hesitated as it reached out to grab the handle. I forced myself to push through as I gripped the door handle and slightly cracked the door open,peeking out to see Carol standing in the hall.

"What'd you mean?" I asked.

The look on her face when she saw me almost made me regret my decision to open the door. She looked worried and anxious.

"Ji-I mean, I talked to him and he told me that he didn't mean to lash out at you. It's just...He's been through a lot. We all have. Look at yourself! Don't shut yourself out. Give him a chance." Carol explained. "He needs you. And you need him."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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