55~ Never been like this

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Chapter-55 :

I dashed into my cabin, unable to bear what I had seen a few minutes before. They were not just laughing together, but Charles held her hand, and she did not respond.

Something about that sight disturbed me deeply. It was more than just a hurt; it felt distressing to my heart.

Watching her laugh and be comfortable with someone other than me was making me question my sanity.

Am I truly replaced?

What is wrong with you, Auss? Just because she is content with him does not mean you are replaced!

Auss, you do not have to be the only one who makes her laugh!

But why was it so hard to accept? And why did it feel like she was getting farther away from me?

That is silly, Auss!

It was a good thing she was able to socialise, and it started with Charles. That was what I wanted, right?

But it fucking hurts!

I squeezed my eyes shut and punched the wall next to me.

I have never been like this before, and it feels strange.

I needed to calm down.

I needed to take it easy.

I recited them in my head repeatedly.

"Austin! You are back."

I froze in place at the sound of the voice I had grown to adore. My legs gave up trying to turn around while I stood there with a nervous gulp.

"Austin." Her voice turned thinner and closer while I licked my lips in apprehension.

The next minute, I felt her hand on my shoulder, and I opened my eyes slowly. Pushing away my unknown anxiety, and after taking one deep breath, I turned around to see two heterochromatic orbs carrying a pleasant gaze at me.

I ignored my pounding heart and smiled slightly.

"When did you arrive?

"A f-few minutes ago." I mentally cursed myself for stuttering.

What is wrong with me?

"Oh, I assumed meeting me would be the first thing you do when you return." She pouted, and I was taken aback.

"Why?" My response came too quickly to be understood.

"Why would you?" I asked again, and she narrowed her brow. She sighed and moved closer.

I unknowingly stepped back while she stepped forward, allowing our bodies to brush against each other. The next thing that happened felt like a dream.

She stood on tiptoes, wrapped her arms around my shoulder, and hugged me gently. I gasped as I came into contact with her.

"You asked if I missed you, right?" She whispered into my ear, and I slowly nodded.

"I missed you, Austin." I let out the breath that I had been holding, and I was still frozen with my arms hanging by my sides.

"Of course, I will; you are the only one." Her voice trailed off as I felt her body retract back, and she stood apart.

Before I could process what she had just said, I bent to her level, dragged her by the shoulders, and encircled her in my embrace, my arms tightly pressing her body against mine.

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