76~ Close Yet Far Away

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"Excuse me! Do I know you?"

I quickly glanced at Max, who shook his head, disappointed in Austin.

"Don't be silly and give her a heart attack, Auss!" He rolled his eyes.

What is happening?

Just being in that situation brought tears to my eyes, and I returned my gaze to Austin.

"Austin! Don't you remember me?" My heart was heavy with sorrow as I asked.

"I wish that could happen for real, but to my dismay, I remember every single fucking moment I spent with you." While speaking those words, his face was filled with hatred, and my heart pounded with the familiar anxiety that I had been experiencing since the day before.

Does this mean Max was right?

When I looked at Max, he was already staring at me. "I warned you." He mouthed it, and my tears began to fall.

I aggressively wiped away my tears and glanced back at Austin, whose face was twisted in fervour and directed at me.

That face glowed with love for me a few weeks ago, and how everything had changed was exhausting!

"Austin! How can you say that?"

"First, I want you out of my sight, Miss Lydia Rose Davies." He pointed to the exit, eventually breaking my heart.

"You cannot do this to me, Austin! We were fine a few weeks before. Do not let this love shit ruin our bond."

"Do not call my love shit, Lydia!" His loud voice startled me.

"Auss! Take it easy." Max added.

"Then tell her to go get lost, Max! Just looking at her face tortures my mind. Get out." He screamed again, this time with pain, and my heart broke at what I saw.

"Austin! Just calm down."

"Did you not hear me? Get lost from my sight!" His vulnerable shriek hurt me, and I suppressed my sobs.

"Please Lydia!" Max whispered, and I bolted out of the room.

How did the night change so drastically that we went from friends to enemies in such a short time?

My ears spewed again, as if shedding tears, which has become my latest habit, transporting me back to my previous life.

I could not take the hatred on his face, especially since it was directed at me.

I was feeling completely alone right now, and I could not help but feel powerless.

Just then, I noticed the doctor passing by, walking inside the ICU, likely obscured by my presence. After a few minutes, I found him outside the ICU and got up to call him.


"Oh, Lydia! What are you doing here while your friend is awake?"

"I have already met him, doctor." I faked a smile at him.

"Thank you for getting him back to normal, Doctor." I sincerely thanked him, as watching Austin recover was a blessing to me.

"Do not mention. It is great to see him awake after all these weeks." I nodded.

"So, are you going to discharge him?"

"Not yet! We need to keep him in observation for a day because he may still be experiencing some coma-related symptoms, such as agitation and confusion, and even after discharge, he needs to rest for at least a week before returning to his normal routine."

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