Saving a God

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Sapnap POV

After a few hours after Clay left to find a foster family that's able to take care of a newborn god. I made a plan to be able to get in and out in less than twenty minutes. I even thought of the child crying since it was a newborn which Clay didn't even think of. I decide to keep on thinking of consequences that could happen if the plan would go wrong. 'Stop thinking bad thoughts, me' over and over again in my head. Then I heard som eone knocking on the front door I went over to make sure it's Clay, and thankfully it was.

"You're home late." I said then a smile crossed my face. "Did you start daydreaming again Dream." I said trying not to laugh and make him mad.

"No but I think I found a family." Clay said tiredly.

"Well ok but I made a plan that'll most likely work but we need to be awake." I said while looking at Clay's tired face. "How about you take a nap and I'll wait for any news about the Goddess. Ok?"

"Sure." He said then without a moment later he flopped on the couch.

" Hmph lazy." I whisper while snickering. Well I guess I have to wait for any news about the Goddess or the child. Clay did say she would send a messenger with the information about how long we have but I wasn't listening that much to him. I soon started to think about the stuff that will happen if this plan goes wrong. I must've not notice the time cause when I heard a knock from the door it was about 11:40pm. I opened the door to see a blonde angle with a purple hoodie.

"I have a message from the Goddess of Health for Clay." He said very serious. I nodded and went over to the couch where Clay was.

"Hey, wake up. The messengers here and asking for you." I started to see his eyes open and he blinked a few times trying to get the information I just said.


Dream POV

"Hey, wake up." I heard Nick say. He also said something else but sounded like gibberish. Soon I saw the time I realized he was probably trying to tell me about the messenger. I quickly got up off the couch so quickly I didn't have time for my legs to wake up. I tripped over my sleepy legs but soon got them awake when I made it to the door. There I saw a angel named Purpled. As soon as he saw me he told me the message.

"The Goddess of Health would like for you to come to the castle and see the new baby girl." Purpled said. Which I knew that she was making sure no one knew about Theseus so she told Purpled that it was a girl.

"Ok, I'll be there in-." I cut myself off to look at Nick trying to get how long until everything is set.

"8 minutes." Nick said clearly seeing me mentally panic.

"Very well, I'll tell her when I get back to the castle."
Purpled said without missing a beat. He quickly turned around and flew towards the castle.

I looked at Nick and said, "Ready."

"Ready as I'll always be." He said without hesitation grabbing the stuff we needed.

We soon left the apartment and flew quickly towards the castle. While we were flying a cool breeze blew against my face and I shivered a bit but kept the pace with Nick. Before we knew it we made it to the castle and flew through the back and traveled through the halls till we found the bedroom the held the Goddess and her child. When we opened the door we came face to face with a maid with panicked eyes.

"Stop her!" Val demanding us. I me and Nick soon looked at her and she started to scream. Before her voice got louder to alert the guards, I jumped on her and holding her mouth. Nick finally found a spot to knock her out without any evidence of being knocked out.

"There I think we're good." Nick said relieved.

"Take her and put her in the closet. I'll get the child" I said. He nodded in response. I gave the maid to Nick and walked over to Val.

"Good timing." I could hear the hurt in her voice. She was holding Theseus in her arms sleeping. "Until you grow up you'll not be able to see me but I'll be watching you grow up here where we are at." I could see the tears starting to roll down her face as she said that to her newborn son. She started to pick up the sleeping child and handing him to me. I easily pick the child and put him in my arms. "Clay, will you promise me that if the family fails you'll protect Theseus. Please" I nod with agreement and started to head out the palace with Nick. While we walk farther away the crying became quieter till all we heard was the whimpers of Theseus in my arms.

We started going down the path we took when we entered but we soon went a left instead of a right. I then heard guards the opposite way we went talking. Then after awhile we would take another left then a right, and this went on for some time till we saw the back door unguarded.

"Finally we made it." He whispered a bit too loud cause it woke Theseus up, and he started to cry. I tried to calm him down but it didn't work. Then Nick sang a soft but short lullaby which calmed him down enough to get him to fall asleep. We soon breathed a sound of relief until a familiar guard holding a sword to Nick's neck said.

"W-what are you doing with the Goddess child?" Ranboo asked shakily. We couldn't tell him what's happening but we couldn't trust him with the knowledge of us having the child.

"Nick knock him out to the point where he forgets that this ever happened while I take the Theseus. Got it?" I said to Nick. I saw Nick nod while Ranboo shook at what I said. I soon saw Nick pushing the sword away from his neck and grabbed Ranboo. I soon ran out of the back door and ran as quickly as I could towards the portal. I soon heard Theseus whimper. I knew he didn't know what's going on but he's already in a chaotic situation and he's a newborn. I soon remembered that as soon as a god or goddess was born they're powers will come out full swing. I soon put two and two together. Before I could tell myself I felt Theseus moving in my arms still sleeping.

"We'll get to your new family shortly, God of Chaos."



Well hopefully you all liked that! Also I want to put this out that Dream will not be manipulative a**hole cause I don't know how to write someone manipulating another person. Honestly I'm kinda just rolling with this story but have some plans for upcoming events. I just now realized how many words are in this chapter. Have fun reading the next chapter an enjoy!

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