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TW: Blood

George POV

"Ah, finally done unpacking!" I said to myself. I just moved here after my old village banished me cause they thought I stole a valuable gem from the king. Even though I didn't! I finally got done moving into my new house, it's pretty big for one person. It's a family home for three to four people but there was no other house for sale. After I got done my belly started to grumble and I realized that I haven't ate since this morning. I decided to grab some beef soup.

After I ate my soup, I went on a walk to clear my mind so I can get some sleep. It was dark and I couldn't see much but I continued. When I got to the other side of the small village it started to pour the rain. I went under a over hang and waited for a while to see if the rain would slow down some. The rain didn't slow down but it's getting late. "I need to get home" I told myself. After a few seconds I ran through the rain hoping I wouldn't get sick. I was going passed many buildings and soon I saw my house coming into view. I then heard a thud on the edge of the woods. I wouldn't pay much mind and kept running, but everything in my body told me to stop and check what that noise was. I soon accept my body's request and went to check. I looked around trying my best to see through the rain and to my horror I saw a man covered in cuts and bleeding. He was passed out most likely from blood lost. I decided to pick him up the bests I could an drag him to my house.

When I got home with the mysterious man I laid him down on the couch and quickly got a medkit. I also grabbed some healing potions even though he's unconscious. I started to clean and wrap his wounds. Then I force fed him a potion and just like that his smaller wounds were completely healed. I decided I couldn't do anything else but I couldn't leave him. He might be a thief or a hybrid hunter. I knew I couldn't leave him alone so I decided to sleep on the chair that was next to the couch. When I made the decision I grab a pillow and blanket then I soon laid down. My eyes became very heavy and soon I couldn't hold them open. I went to sleep slightly worried for the man.

~10 Hours Later~

Dream POV

I started waking up and when I opened my eyes I saw a ceiling. When I started to move myself to a sit position only to find myself wrapped in bandages. I was a little confused then I looked around to find a living room that connected to a kitchen. When I decided to actually take in what kinda stuff that was around me then I saw something or someone.

"Sh*t!" I said out loud. Somehow the man didn't even flinch from his slumber. I didn't know what I done to get here. I started replaying the events from yesterday. The last thing I remembered was watching Theseus carried into his new family's home. I guessed I was bleeding out from my wounds I got yesterday and the man must've healed me back to health. 'The one time I was fine with dying, I get healed by a mortal.' I thought knowing that my punishment will probably torture me for the rest of time. Well at least let me thank him before I leave and go on the run from Gods again. I decided to leave a note and something else valuable. I then went on my way to anywhere that the Gods wouldn't look.

~1 Hour Later~

George POV

I woke up from the most uncomfortable position I've ever slept in. My mind was a little fuzzy when I woke up cause I forgot why I slept on the chair. I remembered that I had a man almost die on me last night. I looked over and saw nobody on the couch. I kinda freaked out for a bit cause was it real or just a dream? I'd remember that I used healing potions on him an I went to where I'd laid them and still saw them there. I didn't know if he left or walking around the house stealing my stuff so I yelled.

"Hello! I'm awake and have harming potions at the ready!" I yelled but I didn't hear anything. I went looking just in case with a few potions.

I couldn't find the man anywhere. I sat back on the chair I slept in and looked around the room thinking where he could've gone to. That's when I saw a piece of paper and something else on the coffee table. I went over and realized that the thing that I didn't recognize was a feather. Not just any feather it was a angels feather. "Did I save a angel's life?" I questioned myself picking up the feather. I then looked and saw the note. I started reading.

'Thank you for saving my life. I was jumped by some thief that wanted money I didn't have. They'd beaten me to a pulp and cut me up a few times. I also bet your wondering why and how I got a angels feather. I won't tell you how but I'm giving you the feather cause it's worth quite the penny but I've wanted to give the feather to who I know would do good thing like healing deathly illnesses. I saw you were good at healing people, like I'm perfectly fixed.

                                                  Thank you again, C'

I just stared at the feather for a bet longer and wondering about the man, till I heard a knock on my front door.


Word: 1009 (I think lol)

I'm so sorry for all of you to have to wait on this chapter I've been very busy with school and life problems. Also, thank you to all that has read my story and liked it enough to keep reading it (It really brightens my mood)!!! I don't know when I'll be able to post the next chapter but I'll try and get it out when I have the time. Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter and see you all in the next one!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2021 ⏰

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